im not telling another soul im pregnant



  • Im 31 and pregnant with my first child. Im not married nor with the bd. I constantly got asked if I was happy about it. I even had a guy I work with ask if he should congratulate me. I lost my only brother (my only sibling) 3 1/2 years ago. So not only am I thrilled to be having a child especially with being diagnosed with endometriosis 7 years ago but im glad to be adding to my family. You would think people would be more considerate but unfortunately they aren't. Screw what anyone thinks that has negative things to say. We are all happy to be having little miracles no matter if its our 1st or 6th or whatever and that's all that matters! *hugs* to all mommies to be!
  • I got the same thing when i told ppl i was pregnnt they were all like your makeing a mistake you all ready have two your not going to be able to take care of another one....oh and your going to get fat again uggghhh i was like whatever some ppl are just cruel
  • I get that a lot as well!! im short, young looking (im 23), tiny, skinny, etc so pretty much I look like im 15 so when people c me they give me such dirty looks and bad comments...thinking I'm some kind of a slut! agh!!! its just breaks my heart knowing people arnt supportive anymore!
  • Im 31 and married for 9 years.... And I get it too! I can count on my one hand how many congrats I got :s and my husband has a good job ( I dont work ne more... Not with 4 kids lol) people are haters these days. And dont u think bout having more than 2..... There is a serious hate on 4 ppl like me! Enjoy your pregnancy cause you and your partner n little baby r the only ones who matter in the end. :)
  • Well, were all happy for u and ur happy for u so who cares about the rest of the world ;)
  • Wow. Thought it was just me that wasn't getting Congratulations.. My best female friend was shocked, said oh right and put the phone down. She then rang the next day and apologised and said congrats. My best male friend said if ur happy I'm happy for u. I thought does no one say Congratulations anymore? Congrats ladies, may all our pregnancies be fun and we support each other x
  • Well congrats to you and I hope it gets better! People will come.around! My family was horrible at first but now they can't wait!
  • Congrats to all mommies to be B-)
  • when i told my cuz she asked me what am i gonna do i was like ermmmm keep it she said is that wise knowing that the baby cud end up like his or her daddy how rude now she touches my bump every time i see her im like get off u wanted me to get rid arghhhh
    my hubby and me have been 2geva 12 yrs since i was 13 and married for nearly 1 yr he has aspergers syndrome if im having a boy there is a 98% chance baby will have it too if its a girl its 50% chance well i want a baby boy as hubby wabts a son first he is so excited he will b happy whatever

    oh yh also my cuz said she cant imagine me as a mum ummmm y im a nanny so im always around children all children love me i love my job

    just cant believe how rude people r
  • I keep getting "are you guys sure your ready?" Were younger 22 & 23 and just recently engaged so I guess they don't think were old enough idk.
  • How about my best friend assumed i wasn't going to keep it and offered to take off work to take me to the abortion clinic. Um no thanks, but congrats would be enough.
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