caster oil

edited September 2011 in Third Trimester
How many of you ladies have used caster oil and did it work? How much do you take an what to mix it with? Thanks in advance


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  • You can go to the search box and search for castor oil and read the many threads that have been posted. You are supposed to drink 4oz
  • Yes I drank it before bed with some tea yuck the taste was awful but I woke up with horrible contractions and mt water broke by time I got to hospital I was already dialated to a 7 and hospital was only 10 mins away so it worked for me
  • I drank 2 oz....did it like a shot them chased with OJ and milk didn't work. Had horrible diarrhea. I hope it helped dilate some anyhow. I'm set for induction Monday but want to move things along for quicker delivery.I will probably do it again tonight :)
  • I did 2 oz at 39 weeks it did nothing. Just made me wake up to throw up.
  • Oh I did and just got super sick
  • I drank about 1oz @ 39 weeks. I couldn't use the bathroom & ended up using an enama. I was already 3 cm dialated, my water broke 2 hrs later. I was in labor for 3 hrs & had my baby girl all natural on fri sept. 16. Not sure if the castor oil helped bt she didn't swallow any poop & an was perfectly healthy. I personally believe it won't hurt. My mom & sister both used it & went into labor & had no problems.
  • @kris100717 how much did you drink? And how far along were you?
  • I drank it with my first. Made me sick all night, but the contractions started the next day.
  • Took it with my last child. Drank 2 oz in a shake of oj and vanilla ice cream. Couldn't even taste the oil. I started contractions an hour later. Had my baby the next morning. She didn't have any meconium. It didn't make me sick or have diarrhea. Worked like a charm will do it again with this pregnancy in 3.5 weeks if babies not here.
  • How far along were ya'll? I dont want to do it too early...
  • @Kris100717 how much did you take? I so hope I get that lucky I've been 3cmand 80% for 2 1/2 weeks and im ready to get farther~
  • I was 36 weeks and not sure about the amount bc I was only 17 my mom fixed it for me but it seemed like alot im not doing it again bc my labor went to fast and I didnt have time to get any pain meds.
  • Well i just did a tablespoon with oj and thats been over an hour and i havent had anything so im debating on doing more..
  • So i took 1tbsp at 8:55 had a few contractions and a normal bm and then i kept feeling sick and ended up throwing up about 12:25.. :( i hope thats not it.
  • Sorry :( it never made me throw up or have a bm but try nipple stimulation also it works great just pinch and roll your nipples with your fingers it brings on contractions.
  • I'm 38 wks & I'm thinking about trying it.
  • @uh_Lyss_uhh im about to get brave and try it again I have read alot about it and some say they did two table spoons and some say two oz but im only gonna try two table spoons and the orange juice covers the taste up good I tried it first with a milkshake.. YUCK and it hit and came right back up so I did oj... good luck! I hope it works for the two of us :)
  • Keep us updated. Im 36 weeks and I plan on starting at home inducing at 38 so im reading up. :)
  • I sure will :) I just took two tbsps at 12:15 so Im hoping for the best! Im only starting now b/c im "fullterm" by our dr and I was already in preterm labor so im READY! :)
  • I'll be 40 weeks tomorrow so am thinking of taking it today. My aunt keeps telling me to do it but am debating on it am scared lol. Hope it works for you and labor dust. I would love to be updated so see how Ur doing
  • It didn't work for me...just a lot of diarrhea. It didn't work for two of my friends either. One of my friends it worked...her water broke 5 hours after taking it at 38+1.
  • @angie87 I will do my best to update you :) thank you for the labor dust as well.. I really just want her to come I have been 3cm and 80% for so long and it's hard not know with a another one and our families live an hour and a half from our military base so someone will have to get her to get our older daughter! I wish my water would break! that would be awesome!
  • @angie87 ive only had 1bm since i took it and that was at 1:45 so im hoping for something soon.
  • @angie87 ive only had 1bm since i took it and that was at 1:45 so im hoping for something soon.
  • Can it still put me into labor if I'm doing a c-section?
  • im not sure..
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