finally told my moms answering machine

edited September 2011 in First time moms
...that Lilly was born. She was born 8-15, 36+6 weeks and spent 9 days in NICU (the hardest days of my life). She was due 9-6 so I thougt heather might call to see how we were doing but that day has come and gone and no phone letter..nothing. My mother was no where to be seen. It was depressing because as shitty a realationship we have, when I hurt the most I wanted her to care. Just care..and she didn't. She's bipolar and absolutely off her rocker crazy. We stopped talking after I sent her an invite to my baby shower and she 1) was offended by the invite..? 2) hated the name I chose and 3) thought the 'whole thing was a big joke'. I'm sorry buti could handle all the years of verbal and physical abuse, but insulting my unborn baby, I think not!! My adoptive mom always told me, when it comes to my realationship with my mother, to do whatever it takes so I can sleep with myself at night, because if I expect heather to act like a mom then I might be disappointed and get hurt all of again. So I have felt bad for not telling her her first and only grandchild was born so today I called. I hope I feel better soon, i Feel like she deserves to know. But I'm just really angery that she can be so heartless. Lillys amazing and I don't get how she doesn't even want to see a pic of her..? Ask how much she weighed or anything? What a bitch!! Sorry for the language just so angery at her :( thanks for listening my pregly friends.


  • That sucks hon.
  • @damiens_mommy yeah it does. Thanks for responding tho, I don't really know why I posted this. I guess I just needed to get it out. Its really eating at me and I have to just let it go. Ty for responding
  • Sometimes getting it all out really helps. Is your little one doing alright?
  • @damiens_mommy yeah she's doing great! She's up to 7 pounds 4 oz at her last dr. Apt! She eats well and she's only ever upset or crys if she's in her swing and wants some lovin's :) she makes me so happy!
  • @momtob I'm glad she's doing well! I can't wait to hold my lil man.
  • I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. Sometimes the chosen family are better then the one's we are given. My relationship with my family has molded me and helped me decide the kind of mother I want to be. When it comes to your daughter it sounds like your adoptive mother will be a great gramma as well. I'm glad to hear she is doing well :)
  • I'm sorry Heather is this way! Every baby is a gift and a grandmother should see that.
  • I'm sorry,I know what your going through,my mom is also bipolar and an alcoholic. I haven't talked to her since may when she showed up drunk at my house after midnight when I have 3 small kids...long story I kicked her out because she kept hurting my kids with her lies like she did me my whole life. I had my son last week and we both almost died. My brother told her what happened and she still has not called and checked on me or her grandson. I'm used to her not being there for me but it blows my mind that she couldn't care less that her daughter and grandson almost died....especially him what has he done? But really people like them don't deserve to have grandbabies. My kids have grandparents that think the world of them and it sounds like your baby does too. Their loss! Good luck :)
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