flu shot...yes?...no?...maybe?

edited September 2011 in Pregnant
I am 36+3, gonna get a flu shot on Thurs...I think ;)...anyone else on the fence or have done it already?


  • I already asked my fellow october moms, just curious what other preglys are up to!
  • I never get flu shots. Last time I got one was like 8 years ago and it made me sick lol.
  • Got mine yesterday at 37 wks 3days. I went back and forth about it..but in the end I decided it was a good idea. Do whats best for you though. :)
  • I got mine last Monday at 37 wks
  • I got one at my doc appt today, I'm 35w 4d. I was apprehensive first but my doctor convinced me when she said that my baby is going to be born during flu season. And she's like "do you think we would recommend it if it wasn't the best thing for you or baby?" Sooo I gave in. I was also scared bcuz I thought you get sick for a few days after u get it but she said you don't.
  • I'm getting one, just to be on the safe side. They said they have a vaccine with no preservatives for preggos.
  • Yes its a good idea to get it. Doctor says that it protects baby 6 months after she is born from the flu virus. I got mine last friday :-)
  • Im getting mine always do, and actually today the doctor suggested bd get it also since he will be in close contact with the baby
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