is it true if u cry alot ur baby will too??

edited September 2011 in First time moms
i cried alot and was depressed also ,now it seems like all my baby does is cry too smh hes almost 2 months .or is it that its normal at his age???


  • Hmm idk I cried alot but my.daughter rarely cries shes almost a month
  • OMG I hope this isnt true.... Id feel so bad for my husband lol I cry sooo much and I imagine after I have my son it will be worse!!!
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  • I haven't had my baby yet, but my bf's daughter cried ALOT as an infant and even now as a 2 1/2 yr old, she still whines a lot.. my bf told me her mom cried throughout her entire pregnancy so could be a correlation.. idk
  • Did you have a hard or stressful labor? That can drasticly effect a childish infancy.
    Example- my friends first child was induced she was at 3cm when they started the induction. Was at 2cm 16hours later when they bothered checking her. Ended up as a csection at 30 hours of failed induction. Little girl was the hardest, fussiest, so on so forth infant. Second and third babies were strait c section. My friend thought her seconf baby was retarded because she was so different then the first. Sweet calm hardly ever cried or fussed.
    Traumatic birth *for baby*-traumatic infancy *for mom*
  • I know if you're stressed or upset baby can feel it. In and out of the womb. He could just be fussy as well. Could he be gassy maybe?
  • I dont think so bc with my last I cried every single day but He was the best baby hardly ever cried
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