Y is she so dumb
My sister is pregnant with this guy who she is n love with even tho he treats her like shit. He beats her cheats on her hes even given her multiple stds. He told her hes not going 2 sign the babies birth certificate when the baby is born. Now she is going 2 move 2 california with him and his family. His mom even treats her like shit. She had 2 pay her bfs moms car notes. She spends all her money on her bf and his mom even tho she has a son 2 take care of. She isnt a good mom at all but she thinks having another kid will make her a good mom. She doesnt like 2 spend money on her son at all she would rather spend it on her bf. She sends her son off with his dad every chance she gets. She calls us all the time 2 tell us how bad her bf treats her and when people r willing 2 do something about it she cries and runs 2 her bf and tell him how fucked up we r for trying 2 help her. Its just 2 much and im tired of it. I want 2 just cut all ties with her and never talk 2 her again. Need some advice...