Y is she so dumb

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
My sister is pregnant with this guy who she is n love with even tho he treats her like shit. He beats her cheats on her hes even given her multiple stds. He told her hes not going 2 sign the babies birth certificate when the baby is born. Now she is going 2 move 2 california with him and his family. His mom even treats her like shit. She had 2 pay her bfs moms car notes. She spends all her money on her bf and his mom even tho she has a son 2 take care of. She isnt a good mom at all but she thinks having another kid will make her a good mom. She doesnt like 2 spend money on her son at all she would rather spend it on her bf. She sends her son off with his dad every chance she gets. She calls us all the time 2 tell us how bad her bf treats her and when people r willing 2 do something about it she cries and runs 2 her bf and tell him how fucked up we r for trying 2 help her. Its just 2 much and im tired of it. I want 2 just cut all ties with her and never talk 2 her again. Need some advice...


  • Sounds like she needs a reality check. I think cutting her out of your life wouldn't be the best thing to do because when she finally gets her head out of her ass, she's gonna need someone to support her.
  • Thank u. It is so hard 2 try 2 listen 2 her stories and not do anything about it. She drives me crazy.
  • Love is blind. She truly believe they are "in love" and trying to hold onto it by doing every thing to make him and his family happy. Have you told her how everyone feels and just wants what's best for her?
  • Yes this has been going on 4 over 2 years.
  • Now that she is n california the mom got an apt and doesnt want them 2 live with her. So shes stuck n a hotel with her bf they dont have a license 2 rent a moving truck and come back. They cant get an apartment of there own cause neither 1 of them have a job now.
  • I would tell her this: don't call me to complain or cry about your life when you won't listen to me anyway. I love you no matter what but I can't sit here and let you do this to yourself, I don't want to hear it. When you are ready to make a change I will be here for you, and you call me then. <3
  • I agree with katlilly 100%! I go thru the same thing with my god sons mom. He beats her, cheats on her, she pays all the bills while his lazy ass sits at home getting drunk while watching my 2 yr old god son. He's a freaking loser. Yet thinks im being judgmental cuz I don't approve of him. He's even thrown bricks at her car with her AND their son in the car! Its to the point where I don't ask and she doesn't bring him up. I know when they are back together without her saying anything cuz she goes MIA when he's around. I love her to death but I can't sit there and listen to her ruining her life over some loser. Good luck ma sanders!
  • I'm more worried about the baby if he was to give her an std while she is pregnant it could seriously harm or even kill her unborn she needs to think about her children
  • I completly agree besides the physical abuse she might b gettin verbal abuse too in her head she might think his family is the only family that acually loves her its somethin all messed up in her head to belive that gettin beat cheated on n catching std's is ok
  • Thanks everyone and katlilly im going 2 take ur advise
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