ooooo ima skeerd!!!!

Went to the dentist because my teeth have been hurting since I been pregnant. Well I have no cavities, just sensitive teeth. Well, the dentist wants my wisdom tooth out because I can't brush it!!! How bad is the pain going to be?


  • I haven't had my wisdom teeth out yet, but I'm afraid I will have to after this baby gets here (4 more weeks).. I've noticed one starting to come in and it really hurts. I've taken care of some friends after they had their wisdom teeth out and I don't think they were in too much pain as long as they took the pain meds.
  • I'm not going to lie, having your wisdom teeth out sucks. Are they doing it while you're pregnant?
  • i heard its awful. and when your preg they cant put u under, only give u numbing shots :(
    i have to get mine pulled when i decide to go in lol. might just wait til im in tears and cant think straight
  • I had all four taken out plus a molar and it wasn't bad. During the actual procedure I felt nothing. Then afterwards just a little soreness and swelling. The swelling lasted a while. I had a root canal last summer and that was ten times worse for me.
  • @jazzi89 yes, I'm getting only numbing shots and its one tooth. I'm more afraid of the damn needle
  • Good luck! Stock up on easy to eat soft foods and follow the post surgery directions they give you :)
  • Yeah it sucks they can only numb you. I've had two of my veneers redone and wisdom taken out since being pregnant and they won't give you any pain med afterwards.
  • i dont think u should have them taken out now...its not that serious...just cuz u cant brush them?! trust me, nothing will happen to them in 9mths...just try 2 make the effort in reaching them back there
  • Its not tooo bad! I had mine surgically removed about 2 years ago, it was a pain, but it was bareable!
  • @librababii the one that needs to come out is starting to decay because I can't reach it. Here is the problem. My divorce is final on October 25th. My insurance will be dropped. I have to get it out before then.
  • Maybe You shouldn't do it while pregnant. My grandma did and had my mom 3 months early. But since ut is an insurance issue make sure that baby will be ok
  • Oh I see...damn...that teeth aren't in the best shape either but I would be too scared to have anything done while preggo... :/ that's a tough situation...good luck, tho...make sure baby stays safe...
  • i have all my wisdom teeth out plus an extra one in the back that got infected cus my insurance wouldnt pay for the cap for my root canal. the first one i had pulled i was put under, wen i came to i felt like i was drunk! the last three i had pulled right in the dentist office with only novicane. they all were sore and hurt, but wat do u expect? ur havin teeth pulled right out ya no? the only one tht was real bad was the infected one; they shouldve put me out for that one! X_X
    but im sure u'll do great, it will suck esp if ur pregnant cus they hav to give u a milder shot and they cant give u the hydros after either. no joke, i used my neices teether. didnt stop the pain, but sure dulled it. good luck! %%-
  • If I were you, i'd wait till after the pregnancy so they can put you to sleep. I was put to sleep when I had my wisdom teeth out 2 years ago. I woke right up after the procedure & they had already given me something for pain. Only thing I didnt like was that the pain meds made me feel high.
  • I had two of my wisdom teeth pulled out one after the other n with a deep cleaning n they gave me six shots n I still felt them takin the damn teeth out it hurts my face was all numb n I was drooling... Lol nooooo fun
  • edited September 2011

    I had a wisdom tooth causing severe problems at 33 weeks pregnant, and let me tell you the pain of letting it sit there untreated was unbearable!! I decided to have it pulled, after approval from my doc, and it DID NOT HURT AT ALL! They numb you with a local anesthetic, as gas cannot be used, and it takes a whopping 5 minutes to get out. It is not painful, just a brief tugging sensation. The aftercare was fine as well. Most docs will approve some form of tylenol as a pain med followup, such as Vicodin, if you really need it (I did not). I highly recommend taking care of it as soon as possible. Plus it will be one less thing to stress about as you prepare for your little one! If you have any questions at all hit me up, I will tell you everything the dentist did. =)
  • edited September 2011
    Good luck, you will do just fine!
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