Can't even be excited about my first child's birth(long)

So as background info...before i got preggo my MIL was the coolest most laid back person i had ever met and was so proud to brag that i did NOT have a "monster in law" im to the point where getting an identity change and going into hiding is looking very appealling.
Me and my husband got our first home 2 months ago and had unpacked almost everything except our bedroom and the baby room (since she wouldnt be arriving for at least 2 months) mil decides to come help us "organize" our house since apparently being pregnant is a handicap and you are supposed to be a complete vegetable till you give birth. I was fine with that because me and hubby already semi started doing the baby room and planned to complete it as a couple within the next 2 months....well the day comes for her to help and she disappears...i think nothing of it figuring she is decorating our spare hour passes and i still hear nothing from her so i go on a search and rescue mission only to find MY CHILD's room is completely rearrange and completely unpacked WTF she didnt even ask for either of our help...hubby didnt care but i had to leave the house to keep from crying in front of them...she completes the rest of the day by rearranging EVERY single thing and every single room in our house then complains to everyone she talks to that we "worked her like a slave" so basically i have been avoiding her calls since...
Today i find out im being induce on Wednesday at 9 am yay!!!!!! finally get to meet my daughter so we go ahead and inform the family and ask them not to show up till at least noon on the day of that way me and hubby can spend alone time the day before and enjoy our time together and the trip to the hospital ect ect ect...well eff that...his mother calls to inform us she will be here tuesday evening and when my hubby says no she says "like i said ill be there tuesday evening so make sure your spare room is ready and i will probably stay a full week so she needs to let her family know the extra room will not be available" WTF is wrong with this phsyco a$$ b!tch that i cant even enjoy my own childs birth now...depression is kicking in already...i dont even want her touching or seeing my child as much as i love my hubby i have now come to hate his mother...HELP


  • Wtf! I would go in the baby room and rearrange everything the way I want it! And rather she like it out not I would tell her and him that she will not be coming on tuesday! How rude!
  • I did and when she came back the next weekend she put her nose up saying smartass remarks about me moving stuff....and he is on my side she's just and overbearing b!Tch now and makes it seem like im carrying her child
  • That's so rude of her to invite herself! Ugh. I hate monster in laws!
  • I'd be pissed to high heavens! good gracious that is ridiculous! What is wrong with family memebers these days? I'm sorry she has turned into the crazy mother in law.
  • My mil is the same way though. She does anything she wants with my son and gives us no privacy!
  • Like ^said! It's your birth. And your house Di what makes you happy! Your center stage till baby gets here not her!!!
  • Im going to talk to hubby again tomorrow when I calm down but he's tried telling her...I've tried..and a brick wall is more understanding...I know im going to blow and all hell will break loose at this point idc but I don't understand how she can basically say eff yalls plans I am doing this regardless
  • No one said you have to let her in jk. Seriously, I would tell her again no, and this room is already booked. She has no right or say so in your birth. I would also inform the l&d that she is not to come in. moms sometimes forget that their children are adults! Also make sure your husband is behind your choice. I have 2 mils (step & birth) and I am so glad I laid down the law in june at the wedding. Once they realized I am the woman of the house I've had no trouble!
  • Im going to try to straighten this out tomorrow and if it doesn't then nobody will be seeing my child till we get home and there will be a set time they can come to visit
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