Jacob Michael <3

edited September 2011 in Birth Stories
So I went to the doctors for my 39 week check up on 09/07/2011. My blood pressure was high so my doctor sent me to the hospital to be induced the following morning! So i went to the hospital and my doctor came in at 8pm and inserted cervadil(sp) and she told me to get some sleep because she would be back at 5am to get things going! So at 2:30am I started having horrible contractions! My fiance I guess called in the nurse and she checked me and I was about 6cm dialated(I was at 3cm when I went to the doctors the day before). She leaves to do something I don't remember what exactly but like 10 minutes later she comes back checks me again and i was 8cm! After that I don't really remember much except that the pain was intense! My whole entire labor lasted 3 hours! It all happened so fast that i wasn't able to get any kind of pain meds :( but going through all that pain was so worth it! Jacob Michael weighed 6lbs 8oz and he was 20 inches long! He was born at 5:24am on September 8th 2011. I was due 09/09/2011 but I got to have him a day early! I love being a mom its definitely the best feeling in the world! I don't know how to upload pics while on my phone so i changed my profile picture to my little man :) Thank you to all the ladies that made my 9 months of pregnancy fly by and thank you for all the answers to my discussions :)


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