any advice?

edited September 2011 in Third Trimester
I'm on my way to get my membrane sweep done and I know there's been a million posts on it but I wandered if anyone was successful and had any tips x


  • I had mine swept 4 times and it didn't really help me. It was an awful hurt so bad, so brace yourself!
  • @DreaMaria well mine didn't hurt but she said it wouldn't work properly as my cervix is still high. Grr. She's booked me again for 2 weeks time :-(
  • Mine didnt hurt, just uncomfortable. I was.dialated to a 2 and 50% effaced & had my son 3 days later. Not sure if it was because of it. I delivered at 38 wks3d
  • P.s. Goodluck!
  • @Yayal0vesy0u thanks hunny. She said she didn't think anything would happen for a week or 2 due to how long my cervix was, but she did say my cervix was really soft. I still have 1 week and 5 days left so I'm gonna just see what happens x
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