Has anyone tried

edited September 2011 in Third Trimester
Nipple stimulation to start labor? If so did it work and how long do you do it? Caster oil didnt do anything for me! Thanks ladies


  • i did! i cant say that it made me go into labor, i gave up cuz my nips were starting to hurt lol
    but i did get some pretty strong contractions! and i ended up going into labor later that week :)
  • your not even 38wks.. yet.. it could be dangerouse to start doing induction methods so .. try and be patient..oh yeah and do as much walking as you can.. just to get things going in the right direction.. i was 40wks when i tryed all the induction methods at least onece.. none worked.. lol.. i ended up haveing to be induce at 41+4wks,, try starting EPO i started mine about 3days ago.. your body just wont budge if its not ready.. good luck.. and remember these babys are on there own schedual not ours.. %%-
  • I was in preterm labor at 34 weeks and im now considered full term by my drs. Im in so much pain im ready for it to be over and hold my baby! Its hard trying to care for a child when your so miserable in pain. So im just trying different things. @jazzi89 thanks! :) maybe it will work im already 3cm and 80% and ive held on since 34 weeks at that its time to get the ball rolling!
  • ya i wasnt dilated at all when i did it. but when i went to the hospital for labor i was already a 2-3 so it may have worked for me. i had my daughter at 37+6 and she was perfectly fine. weighed 8lbs 2oz so i feel your pain lol
  • @jazzi89 Thanks yeah they were saying at 34 weeks she was 6 so im terrified she's gonna be a chunk! :) ive walked my legs off and my poor feet look like hooves they are so swollen & my 4year old doesnt understand why mommy cant go go go anymore lol :)
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