Cot Question...

edited September 2011 in First time moms
My baby isn't due till May next year but i'm just wondering what things do yuu put in the babys cot? And what things don't yuu need to put in the cot?


  • Baby, night cloths, thin blanket well away from babies face, sheet. If you use them crib toys tied to the side bars are safe
    No bumpers, no free floating toys, no thick comforter, no pillow, pretty much anything soft that baby could roll into and sufficate
  • Pretty much just the mattress with a sheet on it. Babies dont need toys, pillows, or blankets in the crib. They are even saying no bumpers at this point. You can use a blanket if baby is still young enough to swaddle, but if you dress baby appropriately they wont need it. They sell sleep sacks if you're worried about cold.
  • I agree with Laura536 just baby dressed accordingly and sheet for baby to lie on.
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