washing clothes

edited February 2011 in Babies
This is my first baby, do I need to was her clothes in special laundry soap or can I use the stuff we have? I use the all with no scents or dyes for allergies


  • I washed my kids clothes with regular laundry soap she was fine with it
  • Can I use fabric softener like downy as well?
  • Deft is really good for babies but I'm sure free/clear is just as good...and cheaper. Be sure to wash all clothes before baby wears them
  • dreft* sorry
  • Unless your baby has a reaction wash like regular when my daughter was 1st born I washed everything in all free & clear because I was afraid but I realized that she didn't have a allergic reaction so I started washing her clothes with ours.
  • I'm almost 28 weeks but I have to go back home for a few weeks so I just wanna get everything washed just in case she decides to come early.
  • I always used dreft cause I love the smell but you can use anything free of dyes and perfumes for the first few months especially if skin allergies run in the family
  • I did. Some babys are different when it comes to stuff like that. I haven't heard of a mom yet that had to wash babies clothes with anything special or not to use fabric softner. But yes wash all clothes before the baby wears them
  • I always washed my babies clothes in baby detergent. Regular laundry detergent has a lot of perfumes in it that can irritate a babies skin.
  • Dreft is specially for babies...
  • I've heard of dreft but didn't know if I needed to buy it or if the free/clear kind would be okay.
  • Ya i've just used the free n clear for all mine. I didnt use fabric softener at first, just cuz my husband has super sensative skin, so we wanted to be sure they didnt get that at first. But were back to it within a month.
  • I'm sure you can wash everything in the same detergent just make sure the fragrance isn't so strong. If she has a reaction then you can switch to a baby detergent.
  • My Mom said regular detergent is fine she wouldn't wash all her grandsons clothes in it if she had even slightest doubts lol however i still googled it back in the first trimester and unless baby shows skin irritation, which is rare, something like All Free and Clear is fine
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