Mom wants to come for baby's birth-my mixed feelings!
I love my mom, and we are close. This is our fourth baby, and we have arrangements made for everything w/friends and its under control. Scheduled c-section on the 30th. Today my mom calls and says she wants to fly outbthe day before and stay until the day I come home from the hospital. I love my mom, but she likes to push her ideas, her ways, etc. She also wormed her way into the room when my daughter was born (when I asked her not to) and when my last one was born we didnt get any time the first night w/the baby because she stayed in my room and held him for hours. anyway, we want just the 6 of us to bond that first night, and have told ALL our friends here to wait until the next day. Now my mom has invited herself into this last exoerience, and I dont know how to tell her not to come. She will be flying 1400 miles to be here. But she will leave before I'm even home from the hospital. I being selfish? Am I taking something from her/us? Or do I have the right to say what I want?? This sucks so badly. I am in tears over her coming her, and there are so many woman who would do anything to have their moms with them. ugghhh! Not what I needed dropped on me a week before the birth.
Again good luck.
I don't know..just tell her how you feel
momma_erica I think we might be sisters