Yay I'm so excited! (getting induced Tuesday if shes not already here)



  • @Emmalee7 I know the feeling lol. I'm 3cms but not very effaced my guess is less then 20% but they didn't give me a number.. when are you due?
  • @PregnantELF I'm ready to have my little girl out too! She's my first and I've been walking alot trying to get her out. I was having regular contractions last night lasting about a min and about ten mins apart but they went away after almost 2 hours I was so disappointed lol
  • @PregnantELF I'm ready to have my little girl out too! She's my first and I've been walking alot trying to get her out. I was having regular contractions last night lasting about a min and about ten mins apart but they went away after almost 2 hours I was so disappointed lol
  • I was due October 4th. Now I think it's the 27th so I don't know.
  • @Emmalee7 Your due the same day as me lol but I'm being induced September 27th if she's not here :) yay good luck to you and labor dust
  • Im having a girl...Starr Olivia....how about u?
  • @mgrose girl too.. Savanah Delanie :)
  • So I didn't even get to see my doctor instead I seen another insure doctor so unfortunately was unable to discuss induction... So hopefully working will help this get going... I worked last night only a six hour shift and I sat down for an hour of that and I'm so sore waking up this morning I feel like he has dropped even lower and I'm getting strange pulsating pains in my bum last night I felt like someone was streching my back and wouldn't reliese it I'm so done with this my knees are throbbing in pain!!! I'm begging my lil one to make an appearance soon!
  • Aw I'm being induced on Wednesday the 28 I'm over due dd was 9;21;11 :/ I hate waiting good luck to y'all :)
  • @iwantaboy18 , my induction is scheduled for the 28th as well! our babies might be born the same day!
  • Good luck to all the mamas about to have babies! It seems like there was a lot on this thread alone!
  • @MerandaGarcia that suck about your doctor...I hope he makes his appearance soon! I been working too heading to work in a few mins actually.
  • @PregnantELF
  • @iwantaboy18 thanks, good luck to you too!
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