A man charged with murdering an off duty white cop... 7 out of 9 witnesses recanted and said they were forced by police at the time to say they saw him do it... The main witness is the suspected murderer. The case has fallen apart. some of the jury said if they would have known then what they know now he would be innocent....
@rose_town_mommy I've watched to many people get away with things they should be sitting in jail for because they had money to throw at the judge or knew the right person. And these are all personally known not just watching from the news. Even DAs are tainted, judges, its all about money! LAnd right now, my husband and his mil were to get a large sum of money through an inheritence and the three stooges in charge are STEALING IT ALL! We have been working for a year gathering evidence. trying to get them removed and possible jail time and make them pay back what they took. We are 70 grand in lawyor fees right now. Our next court hearing is this November. Thing is, their "witness" who says what they are doing is legal (when there are laws in place that say what they are doing is sooo illigal) and this witness happens to be the father of a judge and that judge is good friends with our judge, not to mention another judge who is all buddies with this group is currently buying land from the estate which is a huge conflict of interest. So if wee lose, we lose because of a dirty circle of judges. All the while, the man who passed and left a will and the estate, his wishes and memories are being spat on. I'm surprised he hasn't crawled out of his grave.
Yes...I have following it....the justice system is flawed! They executed Troy Davis last night at 1100pm....no one would give him a stay of execution....their was an article today of a man that GA ( the same state that executed Troy Daviis) gave him a stay of execution bc they said he was remorseful....he murdered a coworker by shooting him in the head, beating him with a crowbar and a can of paint. He was found guilty of murder and armed robbery.....he was white and the person he murdered was an immigrant...but what we need to be outraged about is the jacked up justice system....how is Casey Anthony free while others are executed or jailed when innoncent.
LAnd right now, my husband and his mil were to get a large sum of money through an inheritence and the three stooges in charge are STEALING IT ALL! We have been working for a year gathering evidence. trying to get them removed and possible jail time and make them pay back what they took. We are 70 grand in lawyor fees right now. Our next court hearing is this November. Thing is, their "witness" who says what they are doing is legal (when there are laws in place that say what they are doing is sooo illigal) and this witness happens to be the father of a judge and that judge is good friends with our judge, not to mention another judge who is all buddies with this group is currently buying land from the estate which is a huge conflict of interest. So if wee lose,
we lose because of a dirty circle of judges.
All the while, the man who passed and left a will and the estate, his wishes and memories are being spat on. I'm surprised he hasn't crawled out of his grave.