Passing my due date : (

edited September 2011 in September 2011
My due date is tomorrow but it doesn't look as if my lil man is ready to come yet. he's just now turning into the birth position and I'm only a fingertip dilated... Have anyone had this happen and still delivered on their due date? How long does it take to reach a couple cm?


  • Your due date is nothing but a guess created by a long it takes to dilate completely varies by person, there is no rule for it...sounds like the little guy is getting ready but he might not have gotten the memo he is supposed to come tomorrow...relax and let nature happen!!
  • im 6 days past my due date and only fingertip dialated. so I know the feeling, im going to have to be induced :/
  • I'm 41 weeks tmr and as of tuesday only 1cm dilated..if everything is fine with the baby at my appt. To get monitored tmr and I don't dilate anymore I wont be getting induced until 42 weeks...i know how you feel but dont worry you still have time.
  • @dani2313
    How long are they waiting to induce you?
  • im getting induced tuesday, so thats a little over a week past my due date
  • My DD is today and am only 1cm dilated so am defenetly passing my DD. They said if I haven't given birth by next week Thursday ill be induced that night
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