? about 40 wk checkup?

edited September 2011 in Pregnant
A little background, I go to be seen at UAMS, a medical school which has a womens clinic attatched to it, and for the past month and a half I have not seen my regular doctor, just unfamiliar faces every time, which I really hate. I have my 40 week check up on Tuesday, and this week a random doctor told me that they will wait to induce me after I hit 41 weeks, and that pisses me the hell off. This lil fxcker needs to come out asap because I'm in a LOT of pelvis and back pain and I'm getting more depressed by the day waiting on him to arrive. We are financially struggling and the longer I wait to get a job, the harder it gets. I hate this hospitals service, but I cant go anywhere else because they have all my info, plus when i deliver a random doctor on call will be delivering my baby. I dont believe in going overdue, his 40 week timestamp is up and i dont want to risk a stillbirth because these fxckfaces dont know what the hell they are talking about. They tell me something different everytime. So to get to the point, can i raise hell and get upset at my appt so i can be induced earlier bc im in pain and depressed? My boyfriend said he will too.


  • edited September 2011
    *or what steps could I take? Talk to someone higher at the hospital, or what?
    *and if I dont respond, its because my phone service is cut off.*
  • Hmmm... If your really worried and its causing you genuine stress pain etc then surely they would reconsider...
  • Go to a different hospital and tell them you're in severe pain. When I was pregnant with #4 the pain was so bad I couldnt walk without feeling like my pelvis was splitting in half. I went in and told them I was going to come back, every hour on the hour...
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