How did you moms feel

edited September 2011 in Third Trimester
Before you went in to labor, not ppl that were induced but that went on their own. I know everyone is different but i was just wondering..


  • I felt fine... had contractions all day then it got worse and worse then by 10 pm I was in active labor..
  • I felt completely normal just thought I was having more discharge, went to the hospital abd apparently my water had broke.
  • I would like to know as well .. I been feeling like crap the whole day :( I'm 40 Weeks and 3 days.. everyone is telling me its because I'm going to go into labor this weekend. can someone tag me on this?

  • @ri25 ; you had no idea when your water broke? :( I'm nervous if that were to happen to me
  • I was induced, but my friend went into labor on her own. She had a major nesting spree the day before she went into labor. The morning of, she was moping the floor and her water broke. She had no other symptoms. Just a huge energy spurt. Contractions began about 3 hours after her water broke.
  • @MOMMYSBambino see i feel like crap all day today nausus and bad head ache just dont feel like doing anything.. I keep having like constant period cramps in my lower stomach and lower back but nothing like the contractions i have haf before, i have so much pressure down there ugh its awful.
  • I felt nothing w/ my first and achey with my second
  • And I had cramping 3 weeks before I went into labor
  • @army_wife09 ;; that exactly how I'm feeling today :( I honestly think im going into a depression.. I been trying to keep busy but everything is making me cry today .. I have an NST appt on monday if I'm still feeling this way I'm going to have to talk to my doctor because I hate this feeling. This isn't like me :(
  • I felt pretty normal, until all of a sudden my water broke while I was sitting eating ice cream, lol. I had some minor cramping (didn't think anything of)...which later I was told were real contractions. Thank gosh my water broke because I would not have realized I was in labor other wise.
  • I just wish my water would break so I will know with my first i had contractions and went in and was admitted and they broke my water so i dont remember what it all felt like it was 4 years ago..
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