ARGH! Need some encouragement.

I've always been so excited about the day when I would become a mother! I can't think of anything else more fufilling in life then to be a mom. When Owen arrived it was the best moment of my life! Sooooo to get to my vent. A month after having Owen I began to have seizures. We eventually had to move in with my parents because I was having so many a day! I went to the doctors and after an MRI they discovered I had a rare brain tumor! What the stinkin heck...all I want to be is a mother and I can't even take care of him myself! It's so depressing...I feel like I'm missing out on so much! I'm married and we've had to live with my parents now for 2months! And today I found out it would probably be another month until I could get into the Mayo Clinic. I'm just sad and I don't like to talk to my hubby about it because I know its already a lot for him to thanks for taking the time and letting me vent. :)


  • Awe I believe u will get through this hun! You're in my prayers!! Your little one will grow up with a mother who is a fighter!
  • I'm so sorry you have to go through what you are and it sounds like you have a great family and yousound like a great mother and wife. Ill keep you in my prayers.
  • Thanks ladies! I do have an amazing family and husband. I would've lost my sanity by now without them lol. My husband gets up most nights with Owen and my mom and dad watch Owen during the day. Thanks for the prayers I need those! Some days are just worse than others....having a headache for 4months straight hasn't helped! Thanks for the encouragement, it means a lot! I needed to finally complain to someone lol.
  • I'm so sorry :( is it life threatening? I'm praying for you. Stay strong
  • Thanks! @proudmomma ....they're not sure I have a realy rare case apparently. I have what's called a ventricular meningioma (hope thas spelled right) most ppl have them around the brain, but mine is in the middle of my brain. So they don't know if it's cancerous or not. That's why I'm hoping to get into the mayo clinic they deal with more stuff like this. Where I'm at only one doctor in town has ever seen one like it LOL I told him I always knew my brain was special!
  • Awe well I'm going to stay positive for you.
  • @proudmomma thanks so much! I really do appreciate that :)
  • My aunt had a brain tumor. They did surgery and now 30 years later she is still doing good. Prayers your way.
  • edited September 2011
    @granny2b Wow I'm glad she's doing good! Thanks for the prayers!
  • So sorry to hear that, u r a very strong woman n sound like ur a great person, jst take the time to care of urself and feel better u we're blessed wit a loving family to help, and ur bby will see how strong mama he has. I'm praying for you and your family.. have faith n god will take care of u..
  • Sorry to hear that. I pray that you get better soon so you can take care of your baby and just feel better all around....
  • @mami_of_3 thanks so much for your kind words they're a blessing! That was very sweet of you! I'm trying to stay strong some days are just hard....when you seizure off and on for 6hrs and then sleep for 12hrs it gets depressing. I miss spending time with my litte man. My family is incredible and they keep me going! Thanks for the prayers! I'm keepin my faith, He is an awesome God.
  • @ash1La thanks! All I want is to be a mommy again :)
  • U know u truely made me take a step back and appreciate my family n my children, n my health sometimes I feel like I have so much things happing so fast nd I get frustrated and bothered but after hearing your situation realize I should b more happy thn I really am... I hope that don't sound selfish, but thanks for opening up and sharing this wit me... I know thers a reason for everythng... please keep me posted.. n continue being the strength for ur family cuz some ppl in ur positon will change thm for the worse
  • Love and prayers sent your way. Your strength is incredible. I dont know how I would ever cope with something like that xox
  • Prayers being sent your way ♥
    Remember with God all things are possible.
  • @mami_of_3 awe I'm glad. Life goes by faster than we realize. I just want to cherish every moment even when it gets rough sometimes! Ill definitely keep you updated on how things go. Right now my biggest goal is to stay happy and strong for my little man :) @tinka1326 thanks for the prayers! I know sometimes I don't think I realize how serious it could all be...idk I just have an overwhelming peace about it all. @Mommylovessparkles thanks for the prayers and encouraging words that is so true!
  • @mommyofstacey

    Just got some very exciting news this morning at 8am! The Mayo Clinic called to let me know that they had a sooner opening and that if we could get there Monday they would get things started! so we're leaving Sunday! So excited to finally find out some more information...a little nervous but so ready! Thanks ladies for all of your encouraging words and prayers they have helped so much! Clearly since it was going to be a month before I could get in and all of a sudden there was an opening. Maybe soon things will be back to normal and I'll be able to be a better mommy to Owen. I'm so thankful for my family and my life it's truly beautiful! I'm so thankful for everything I have!
  • I love how positive you are during such a rough time. You do have a special brain :) I'm glad that they found a sooner opening, and I hope that whatever information they provide to you is postive! Owen is lucky to have a mom just like you! You better stick around :) Good luck, sending hope and love your way! :D
  • Aww yaya :) you WILL get better and life will be back to normal soon! Keep praying mama and you'll see how fast things are going to look up :)
  • @usawife_21 yeah I would like to think it is special haha and I'm so glad they found a sooner opening also I was about to just go up there and sit in the E.R. haha. Thanks God, my dh, Owen, and family are the only reason I stay positive. They make me so happy :)!

    @Claudia YAY! I know! I'm hoping they will come up with something where I won't have to be on seizure medication forever cuz that stuff is awful!
  • @mommylovessparkle ah thanks! I love the positive comments you ladies are sending my way :-D I'm keeping my eyes on Jesus and trusting in Him...that's all we can do. It's all in His hands!
  • :) no problem ! & Yes just leave it in his hands everything will be fine :)
  • OMG I'm so happy! I'm praying
  • @proudmomma ah I know I told my husband is it weird that i feel like it's Christmas morning because I'm so excited that we finally get to go and figure this out! Thanks for the prayers I will still be needing lots of those!
  • Please keep in touch
  • That's great news. Prayers for you and your family.
  • Omg I'm so happy for you! I'll keep praying for you.
  • Owen has an amazing mummy and when he is older and you can tell him about all of this he will be proud to have such a strong incredible mummy
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