back with a vengeance?!

edited September 2011 in Health
So I'm 14 weeks pp today three days ago aunt flow decided to come visit o joy will she may have started off slow but now o no like 2 pads an hour if this keeps up in calling the nurse line! And it weird to I never missed a period had one right on time last month too and I'm exclusively breastfeeding


  • AF showed up for me at 10 months pp and I exclusively breastfed for 11 months. I bleed so much I was going through a huge pad every 30 mins...blood gushing out and dripping down my legs. I started to get really weak after a couple hours, so I called my doc. She said the first period will be very heavy, but mine was out of control so she called in an Rx to stop the bleeding. It took about two days for it to slow down and when it did I had a normal period. I would call b/c you are also going through a pad every 30 mins.
  • Thanks I think I will call because it isn't letting up, @dreamaria
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