my baby is in nicu born sept 21 *pics of my little lady* update!
I would love to share my birth story but it is every long and I'm on my phone posting this but I will give a quick run through and try to post some pics. Basically I thought my water broke tues morning it didn't but I was dialated the Dr didn't want to send me home if I would be back later that night. So they gave me till Wed morning to see where I was at. That morning I was about a 5 so they decided epidural and pitocin to get things moving about 2 pm the epidurql wore off and contractions started to kick in. It was all in my back because the baby had her back towards mine meaning she was facing up which didn't help at all and also I'm a very petite person I'm 4'11 and that didn't not help. So I pushed for about an hour felt every contraction it was the worst pain in the world I did poop a blood vessel in my eye from pushing so hard. The Dr decides c section was best so did I she was born at 3:06pm 6.02 lbs 19 in. That's when they realized she inhaled some poop so they didn't let her take her first breath without taking all the poop out about 3 min later they showed her to us real quick and quickly too hubby and her up to nicu. That night her saw her and took some pictures for me i cried that night not being able to see her. I finally saw her the next morning and they explained to me how much she had progressed from the day before. She does have to stay up there for 5-7 day for antibiotics. We've been up there as much as we could and she looks better and better everyday I am so proud of her. We finally got to hold her yesterday and told will be her first bottle feeding. It does make me very sad to not have her in the room with me, hear other babies cry or even hear other people are going home but I know she is being taken care of the nurses are so nice and answer every question we have. I am truly thankfull to all the drs and nurses. I'll post some pics as soon as I can.
The night she was born Sept 21
Our first family photo Sept 22
Now breathing on her own Sept 23
* so I might be going home tonight I had a temp 2 days ago and was antibiotics for 48 hrs well at 7pm today will be 48 hrs and i don't want to leave my baby here its going to be hard to leave but I cried so much to have her out now that she's out I have to be strong not just for me but for her. I know she is in good hands and they have all the numbers to contacts us with any info and has encourage us to come and stay as long and as often as we want. Thanks ladies!!
The night she was born Sept 21
Our first family photo Sept 22
Now breathing on her own Sept 23
* so I might be going home tonight I had a temp 2 days ago and was antibiotics for 48 hrs well at 7pm today will be 48 hrs and i don't want to leave my baby here its going to be hard to leave but I cried so much to have her out now that she's out I have to be strong not just for me but for her. I know she is in good hands and they have all the numbers to contacts us with any info and has encourage us to come and stay as long and as often as we want. Thanks ladies!!
@snowwhitej thank you its hard walking in there and seeing all the babies but I know they are getting the special attention they need and I'm sorry your little has been in there so long. We are definitely going to be buying a lot of hand sanitizer when we get out of here lol