my baby is two weeks and she has anyone familiar with this im a ftm and i need to be educated on this or anyway to get rid of this ...anything will help..i just hate to see my baby cry so Brutal
My daughter doesn't have colic but when she was really crabby my friend who had a colicy son said her dr told her to do this... With baby on stomach lay them the long way on your arm, with ur hand in between their legs and their head by your elbow, then rock and sway with them there and shush thm while patting their back. Its supposed to calm them and ease the gas pains
I haven't had my baby yet but just from stuff I've read on here... Swaddling, gripe water, and.... Dang preggo brain totally just went blank. But I know there are mothers on here that have dealt with it.
Exactly what @jazzi89 said also swaddling the baby and are you nursing if not then you might have to change your bottle to one that breaths with vents on the bottle. Nam bottles are good but only at toysrus sometimes. If nursing just try the position and wrapping really tight. My son didn't have it my best friends daughter did and I experienced the process with her. It gets better.
With baby on stomach lay them the long way on your arm, with ur hand in between their legs and their head by your elbow, then rock and sway with them there and shush thm while patting their back. Its supposed to calm them and ease the gas pains