Round Ligiment in third trimester?

edited September 2011 in Third Trimester
I can't remember when the last time I had these pains was either 1st or 2nd trimester. Last night at 37w I had a really bad pain that felt like round ligiment but lasted longer than normal. Is this normal?? I'm a FTM. It was only on my left side...


  • Could it have been bh?
  • @Mybabe I have no idea :-S I've been feeling what feels like period cramps and I thought that was BH.... I'm so lost
  • I've been feeling the ligament pains to but I'm only 30 weeks
  • Im with you I have no clue on the difference
  • Ligament pains are like a sore or like over stretch feeling braxton hicks are more like a really tight feeling
  • I get confused also im a ftm... but I get both... ligament pain is in yur groin area and hurts when yur move a certain way... or when you walk etc... fb do feel like period cramps I thought it was just me.. but I started asking ftm and they have experienced thee same kind of bh pain... id say it could've been a bh but everyone is diff... bh are also supposed to last for only 30 sec.. so if it lasts before then it could be ligament pain
  • I hope yu feel better :-)
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