what do you think?

edited September 2011 in Third Trimester
OK I need some help figuring this out. Let me start by saying I live six hours away from my family so I need to bring my grandma up to my place to stay with my other two kids while I have my baby I just don't know when is a good time for me to bring her up to stay with me. So I'm due November 9th , but I have a history of having my baby's early. I had my first at 38weeks and my second@ 36weeks. So I don't know what to expect baby's are such surprise.But I'm praying my baby waits until the 26of Oct so I will be 38 weeks, I don't want him to come any earlier. So should I have her come the 15th of October or the 22nd? What would you do? Btw I'm 33 weeks+3days. So every Wednesday Is when my weeks turn.Thanks girls:)


  • do you have to drive and go get her?
  • @garagebandfan No I'm going to send for her by Amtrak
  • Okay, how well do you get along with her?? maybe you should do it sooner rather then later?? can't be too safe right? at least you dont have to drive to go get her.
  • @garagebandfan we are on good I haven't seen my family since hubby and I moved it will be a year in November. Yeah that's what I keep thinking to,better early. But do you think the 15 is to early? And yeah I'm so glad I don't have to pick her up. I rather pay for the Amtrak ticket.
  • I'd do it the 15 for sure!!! before I was put on bedrest my mom was going to come a month and a half before my due date, because I have a history of preterm births. She is here even earlier (luckily i am not at home to deal with her) to help with my daughter since I am on bed rest!
  • @garagebandfan Thanks it looks like the 15th it is.
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