group b strep help!

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
So when i was 8 wks pregnant i thought i has a uti, went to mex express and did not have one. I was so irritable n felt i had a uti bc ive had them before.. i got the results back and they told me i had group b strep. My symptoms were i constantly felt the urge to pee even if it was just a little and even minutes after i go its so annoyin! they gave me ampicillin n said it could come back tho. I googled n researched how thy give u the iv when u give birth so u dont pass it to the baby..ans usually ppl w group b do not have symptoms or know they have it.. bc usually thy only test forit at 37 weeks.. so i am now 25 weeks prego n thy did a culture n i still have group b strep :( the nurse said it cannot harm or affect the baby right now only risk is at birth. But i find that hard to believe. Can anyone else reaasure me that i am not riskin anytbing right now. She did not give me antjbiotics this time.. bc she said im prob just a carriee.. but i have the aymtpoms.. i dunno! Help im worried to death bc i dont wantt my baby having issues from havin this my whole pregnancy


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  • I had group b step with my first son and they gave me antibiotics during labor and my son is and was perfectly healthy remember your unborn child is your doctors patient to and its there job to keep u both safe and healthy so they wudnt do merging to harm u but it can b scary just don't worry and good luck :)
  • Anything not merging*
  • Okay thanks, yeah im just worried right now while the baby is growing that its somehow affecting the baby and giving the baby groupb strep while im carryig her before just the biggest worry wort n i dont believe doctors n nurses sometimes as bad as that sounds! Lol
  • I had it with my first and second, most likely this one too. Antibiotics during labor is mixed with your iv fluids, no biggie
  • Ive had it with all three of my pregnancys,everything was fine ...i believe it is quite common.They just give you antibotics and I and my babies had to stay in the hospital for an extra day for observation.
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