anyone else have this happen to them?

edited September 2011 in Third Trimester
I'm 35 weeks with #2 and I get 1-4 really strong (take your breath away) contractions in 30 mins then they stop. After that happens my belly is super tight for a while like one long BH. It happens just once or twice a day. I Anyone else?


  • I didnt have this with my first. My doc just tells me to take it easy if I don't want to deliver early.
  • Nothing like that for me
  • Yes, it happens to me, but I have been battling IC with this pregnancy. Even with my cerclage I had what you are experiencing. Mine started around 14 weeks and its still happening now at 37.1. My docs say its normal for me and just.something I have to deal with. I feel very lucky to have made it to term. I found that most of my clusters of contractions happened when I was laying down, so when I get them sitting up or walking a bit would help. Basically just doing the opposite of what I was.doing at the time helped.
  • Im on baby #2 and been having random pains for 4days. The have no regularity to them but are getting worse today. Im exactly 33wk. Dont know if I should phone the hospital or wait till my midwife appointment wed.
  • @new_baby_in_oct I can't imagine having this happen so early are so lucky to have made it so far! I'm getting a little worried about it b/c they seem to be getting worse, but at least they stop. I'm scheduled for a c-section on 10/25 and I'm just hoping I make it that long. When these contractions happen it makes me think she could be here any day now. And THAT freaks me out. She dropped last week, so the combination of things going on is stressing me out. :(
  • Just try to relax and dont will make it worse! You are getting close! This is my #2 too, maybe our bodies are reacting differently this time around? Hope you make it to your scheduled date.
  • @misselfae I would call just to be safe. It could be normal, maybe an infection, dehydration, constipation...I would just call. It doesnt sound like labor since it goes away, but always better to be safe than sorry.
  • @new_baby_oct I try, but its know? I sure I hope I make it too or at least to 37 weeks! Not much longer to go!
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