twins but 2 diff dads :O

edited September 2011 in Just for Fun
Just read a story this woman slept with her ex husband and then slept w/ her new bf like 2 days later and fell pregnant with twins, DNA tests prove one was father of one and other father of other twins :O 1 in 13,000 chance of it happening!


  • Yep it can happen! I was shocked too...
  • @excitedforOctober do you know any one its happened to?
  • That is crazy did she have two uterus???
  • @ZolaBean lol no the sperm can survive 3-4 days inside woman, and she released two eggs so ex hubby's sperm fertilized one and her bf's fertilized other lol weird!
  • One of my friends had a twin who had a diff dad than his brother. It was crazy because they were two different races.
  • Wow!! Well then Damn that is crazy. I have heard about women with two uterus and having two babies one week apart... Two dads is bizzare I guess that's what they call all in the family lol.
  • Oops diff dad than him lol
  • No lol, I read it on the news about a year ago.
  • @iluvladybugs crazy! two different races that's mental
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  • I knew twins like that one was white with blonde hair and blue eyes. The other was Spanish with dark hair and eyes and totally different body build. They had 2 different dads. It was crazy.
  • I have also heard of black couples that have had white babies and white couples having black babies and DNA testing proved both were the actual parents
  • lol .. thats what she gets.. for being with two guys without protection.. in a two day span.. lol..
  • Damn! That's crazy :P
  • @2beforgotten I saw that I remember when he had her up there and he brought out two dna test results. I was like "why is Maury doing this?" Then he read the first result "you are the father" I was like ok so that makes the other one his too. Then he read it again "you are NOT the father" my head was spinning. I didn't even know that was possible! The whole crowd went
  • Would they actually be twins then? or just half siblings? lol. That is crazy stuff lol. Wasn't there a greys anatomy episode of that??
  • I have a friend that's with a black guy and had twins and one came out white and the other black.
  • @lindseynicole96 the greys episode the girl had two babies that were a few months apart because she had two uteruses.
  • @lindseynicole96 lol I would think their not really twins right?
  • Maybe not pure bio twins but i would still say twins cause they still shared the womb
  • There still twins cause they were born to thesame mom @ the same time..
  • I saw another story on Babys first day that it was two women that were together that used two different donors. And one baby was white and the other baby was black
  • I thought that only happened to slutty cats!! Lol
  • @2BeForgotten I saw that Maury episode too!!!
  • My friend claims she has this throwbavk gene in her family and its poss she could have a black baby. Apparently her nan is black and she is whiter then whitr and so is her boyf and she could have a blavk baby. I saw them test this on jeremy kyle agges ago about twins with two dads turned out to b samr dads i didnt actually think there were twins out there with diff dads!!
  • There was also this story over here about two couples who went througj ivf and the wrong fertilised egg was put (i cant think of the best way to put it!) in the wrong woman and one couple was black and the other was white abd there was this huge court case. Cant remember if the dads were the right way round tho x
  • I have twin sisters in this case. My dad is the father of Danielle and some other guy is of desi, I call them both my sisters cause we didn't find out till about 4 years ago. The crazy part is they are almost identical. It happens, there mother was a huge slut and slept with about 8 different guys in 3 days..
  • oh my gosh this is crazy how did they even know that its from two different guys if the babies are not out yet? I bet thats do stressful though...
  • Lol, I just read that in that's life...or was it chat x
  • @hayz_baby I remember seeing something like that on tv. It was a few years back involving a black and white couple.(not sure if its the same story) The ivf never worked for the black couple but it worked for the white couple but it was biologically the black couples baby! When the black couple found this out they rightfully wanted their baby back but technically it was the white mothers child since she birthed him/her. The court refused the black couples rights to their child...smh It was a back and forth court case. I always wondered what happened to them.
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