feeding question

edited September 2011 in First time moms
okay my lil boy is 8 days today
the first two days of his life he drank an once every 3 hours (i breastfeed and do formula)
now he drinks an once and half every 2 hours
am i giving him to much??!
i dont understand the way they eat :D
my boyfriend gets scared we're feeding him to much
or am i feeding him to little and thats why hes gone to every 2 hours
he ways 8.9 and is 21 inches long well when he came out :D
is cause hes big?


  • He has a little tummy so I think the more frequent feedings is because he's going through a growth spurt maybe
  • @Shae is cause he's big? he weighs 8.9lb
  • Hmm im not sure. My daughter is 4wks and if I feed formula its aroubd 4oz every 3-4 hrs
  • the way the consultent explained it to me is babys actually drink less.. ounce wise if bf.. cause they dont need as much.. higher minerals and vitemens, and fat content.. and in bottle feeding they can easly over eat cause the milk comes so fast out of there bottle.. dont worry about it .. unless hes getting sick.. or not gaining weight.. hes still trying to figure out what appetite he has.. lol.. but if you are worried never hesitate to call a pediatirtion on lactation consultant to ease your anxiety
  • My daughter weighed 8.2 n im pretty sure she ate around the same amount usually about 2oz
  • @jazzi89
    so i might be giving him to little and thats why he gets hungry faster??
  • Im not sure. My daughter may just be a pig. Mayb try feeding half an ounce more and see what happens. It is normal for them to eat every two to three hours though
  • @jazzi89 oh okay i thought i wasnt feeding him enough or something
  • @amab13 wow!!! still hungry!
    babies are confusing -_-
  • He would be spitting it back up if he was taking too much. My daughter goes up and down on how much she eats, but she's gaining weight and having good diapers, so I'm not too worried about it.
  • @amab13 that's how my daughter was eating when she was that age and she wasn't spitting up or anything and her pedi bitched at me bad, I was lmost in tears in her office. But I just let her keep eating what she wanted.

    @lindah22 ya that's what I thought to but nope its normal
  • my ped told me a ounce for every hour they sleep.. my bby was 8:12 n I was giving her 2oz wen we got home n everyone was telln me it wasn't enough but I didn't think so..now almost 4weeks she eats 4!
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