pp epidural question

edited September 2011 in Health
I have a question. I'm 3wks pp and the epidural site has start hurting again. It's like a burning sensation. I can't get comfortable and it makes me nauseated. I haven't been able to find anything to take away the feeling(sitting a different way, tylenol, cold rag) I was wondering if anyone else has had this happen? What helped you? I regret it so very very much. It didn't even work.


  • Im sorry sweetie idk..but im terrified to get one..im due tomorrow..=/
  • Im feel so srry wen I hear this I didnt get one for tht reason but ive heard take two excedrin and heating pad helps
  • Mine hurts too...the location where my epidural was gets sore easily. And I'm 1 month pp.
    @mommy_related believe me, I hate needles but when those contractions get so BAD that the epidural is nothing. I couldn't even feel it cause the pitocin made my contractions soon much worse.
  • I am really thankful right now bc I was terrified to get the epidural but last minute I changed my mind and got it and it was amazing I have no complaints it went very smoothly.
  • Mine burn too however it never works for me I don't know why I asked for it this time when last time it almost killed me and my son. These contractions were horrible and I wanted to push every contraction so that's why they said ok we will let you have one. I was so hooked on not having one that they actually took there time giving me one because they knew I could handle it but I was sooo tired and wanted a break. So they came and gave me one when I was like six cm and hell the put it in and I felt a cholt when they put the meds in which isn't good so they took it out. And guess what I had spinal fluid! They gave me another but because the meds drop my blood pressure they were giving me small doses didn't do shyt! I started shaking and told them I am going to start pushing. My doc ran in and said let me check. I was nine cervix was gone so yeah she said ok I can. However because I was shaking they came and gave me a big dose of lidiacane in my eppi which numbed me for like 30mins and I pushed for like 45min it was so peaceful and relaxing. HOWEVER THE NEXT DAY I WAS AMONG THE 5% OF WOMEN WHO GETS THE DAMN HEADACHE! THE ONLY WAY TO GET RID OF IT QUICKLY IS TO GET ANOTHER EPPI INSTEAD OF MEDS THEY INSERT YOUR BLOOD...BLOOD PATCH UGH AND LADIES I WOULDN'T RECOMEND THAT TO MY WOrst enemy. It was horrible!

    Sorry so long but had to share!
  • I thought my epidural was heaven sent lol I've not had an issue with the site at all, and I've got a bad back as it is which surprisingly didn't act up at all while pregnant, and I didn't have back labor either.
  • @bettymomma the same thing happened to me...my water broke and I stopped progressing on my own. I HATED that pitocin. so EVIL! lol
  • I was hell bent on not getting an epi but things happened and I ended up making a useless decision lol =p
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