Need More Milk!

edited September 2011 in Breastfeeding
Help! How can I make more milk?
My daughter is 13days old and she is drinking 3 ounces every 4 hours but I am only making exactly 3 from both breasts. Please, any ideas on how to make more??!!


  • More skin to skin contact? My childbirth ed teacher said to leave baby shirtless on your beast for as much as possible in a 48 hour period to naturally stimulate milk production
  • It sucks but pump, pump, pump. After you feed your baby everytime has workers for me. Hope that helps. Good luck!
  • I'm having issues too I think. She latches on & sucks from both & is still hungry so I give her formula. But she only drinks an ounce of that. I pump even when engorged but get maybe an ounce total. I think my pumps not strong enough. Id love to have enough to have her drink then I can pump & have more so hu can feed her my milk instead of formula.
  • I'm wondering the same thing son's 19 days old and he's drinking 4oz every 4ish hrs...I was exclusively pumping so I know how much he was getting, but my supply started to diminish so I went to the lactaction consultant to get her to help me latch him again...I "allow" him to eat 20 mins from both sides to make sure he's getting it all and he's rarely hungry afterwards...but I can't stay awake to bf and burp for an hour during the night so I pump before bed and give him formula...but I'm not getting a lot like I used to when I pump and I have a hospital grade pump atm. It's frustrating!
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