Exercise after delivery?
I gave birth a week & 2 days ago. I had a normal delivery with a 2nd degree tear. I'm also pretty healed. I understand you're supposed to "take it slow" because of your uterus shrinking back to its normal size. I was wondering when is it OK to start working out again? I mean jogging, running, lifting weights to tone arms & doing sit ups/crunches. How soon can I start doing those work outs? I've left my doc a message & should receive response back in a few days, but I'm also curious what everyone else has gone through.
@lucyloo288 I think I've heard of that (your uterus falling out) eeek! I'm def going to wait. I'm just anxious to start working out lol, but I know safety first.
@kingsmama I'm planning to do the same :-)