***11:05am 30Sep*** Rileigh Janelle Maria is here!!!!

edited September 2011 in Birth Stories
I go in for 37 week induction (due to preeclampsia) this afternoon! I check in at 4pm and hopefully within 24 hours get to meet Miss Rileigh Janelle Maria!!! We are hoping to avoid C-section, but know it is a possibility due to large baby (they are saying 9lb!!! But we know their accuracy is within a pound... So we'll see) and I also have partially deviate cervix. Nervous and scared and excited!!! Will post updates as able :)


  • Good luck honey!
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  • 7:18am ***Update***
    So they did Cervidil last night at 5pm, took out 5am this morning, don't know if it worked or not, def felt strong contractions, but no one has checked this morning so I just dont know. They have me hooked up to IV and will start Pitocin shortly!
  • Good luck!!
  • Ahh good luck!!! I'm getting induced tomorrow morning.
  • ***8:07am***
    Dr checked, still same dilated. Baby has move from station -3 to -2. We are hoping to get dilated!!!
    Thank-you for all the good lucks!!! @pregnantELF Augh!!!! That is how I was yesterday!!! Hope yours goes fast and mine picks up speed!!!
  • Awe labor dust to you hun!!!!! Hope you make it!!!!! Good luck!
  • ***10:55am*** spotting but cervix is long and as of this morning's check 1cm... So taking its sweet time. Nurse said this looks like a case where we will probably redo Cervidil tonight and continue Pitocin tomorrow. Doctor comes in about an blue, so we will know more for sure then. Not in panic mode yet!!!
  • Good luck!! Pitocin sucks! It gets really painful....at least for me. But it should go quick. My pitocin started around 7pm. They kept cranking it up til my contractions were every minute...horrible. but she was out at 12:37am. Update when you can!! %%-
  • i liked the cervidil it sent me into labor after the second dose and i was 41wks+3 good luck.. its actually better.. cause if your not in active labor and just doing the cervidill you can get your streangth up and eat some food!! thats what i loved about the cervidill.. lol..
  • Lol, yes Cervidil wins bc of food alone lol!!!

    ***1:02pm*** Pitocin so far no effect on me except that I am having regular contractions 1-2 min apart. Cervix is closed and long except that 1 cm. They wanted to break my water if it were above 2, but stuck right now. still looking at real possibility of starting over again. The big joke right now between all of Rileigh's activity and taking her sweet time is she is packing... I looked at my hubby and said, "... I'm taking ALL this amnionic fluid with me!!!"
  • So my mom was going to come over at noon but I asked my hubby what he thought. He said he was having a nice time with just the two of us. So his mother showed up at noon and has been in here ever since... It's now almost 3pm and he hasn't been talking to me bc she is here reading book and they went out for lunch and I'm not allowed to eat anything. So no hubby, no food and she is still here. Oh... And no baby. :(
  • Lol at the packing!! Hang in there momma, food and baby will be here soon!
  • Hang in there hun! Good luck! Hoping you start to progress!
  • Good Luck! Stay patient & strong! Shell b here in no time! :)
  • Thanks you all :) Nice to talk it out and share. You hear so much about induction and it going fast, I never thought I'd be one to take days. Babies in my family come so fast!!! Trying to stay positive and happy. Easier when it is just hubby and me and we can be ourselves.
  • ***8:55am 28Sep*** So, after another night of Cervidil, nothing. Then the retard nurse check my dilation and not only did my cervix move from anterior to posterior, I went from 1cm dilated and station -2 to being posterior position, no dilation and baby isn't anywhere near being in station (which is crap, I can feel her down there like I did last night at station -2). So when doctor gets in I am going to ask to check again because I don't trust her a bit. But looks like tidY is going exactly like yesterday... But on less sleep. Nurse Ratchet decided after giving me Ambien, she would wake me up every 20-30minutes. Then in middle of night comes in turns on all lights and tells me she missed something on my paperwork, she was supposed to get a blood panel drawn. #1, how do you miss that? #2 you couldn't wait until morning? #3, she then takes my bp and asks me why it is so high? Um... You witch!!! I usually get along with people pretty hood, but she came in this morning and asks if I slept well, I said no, bro.g woken up every hour and getting blood drawn due to an oversight didn't make for a good nights sleep. So she told me I could come back next week and try the induction again. I looked at her and about lost it, I said, " yesterday was day one, Dr. Patel said it might take 3 days. Why would I ever go home without doing what my doctor recommended when I've known her for six years and trust her?" So that shut her up, but Lord help me, I wanna slap her so bad.
  • Hang in there momma, don't be afraid to speak your mind to the nurses sometimes they need to b put back in their places. And u r rt sometimes it takes a little while, my 1st took 36 hrs it was also an induction. U might see if they will let u up to walk that will help w progression as well. If they will let up as sit on the excerise ball. Good luck hopefully baby makes an appearance today.
  • Good luck hun :) & I end up having a c section but im sending u tons of labor dust hunnie.
  • ***9:55am 28Sep***
    So doctor came in, not my regular, she is off today, and checked me again. What my regular OB said was correct and I am 1cm dilated (still) 50% effaced (which OS a big step up!) Anterior, and at station -3. After that, had to use restroom and bam, lost my mucous plug (as my little sister would say, "EW!", but in all it's glory). The doctor came in after that and wants to talk with my perinatolhust who recommended induce at 37 weeks to see if still necessary as my bp has been awesome since admitted back in hospital here and I've been off bp meds for two days now. That upset me because I'm at 37.5 weeks and it seems like by the time I have her something will go wrong. My np is so good here bc I can't do anything. I walk up and down stairs it spikes, laundry, spikes. Anything- spikes. But yeah, in hospital laying on left side all day, go figure, it is low. I still can not barely use my arms bc of the swelling and numbness from the preeclampsia and my legs are jacked and can't wear shoes... I'm scared they are going to tell me to wait it out!!! He said he would give it to today to see progression, and is considering Cervidil repeat tonight and start Pitocin again in morning but after that they don't want to do another day. He said he would rather not do C-section either but as my regular doctor is on tomorrow, will differ to her, bit in mean time is going to consult with my perinatalogist in the meantime :( I'm so freaked out now I am about to cry.
  • well its still early that lil girl does not want to come out.. sorry your going through all of this.. it seems to me they should have just waited till 38wks to start on you.. i swear i dont get drs sometimes.. its like they think our bodies are machines that will just do whatever they tell it too.. girl.. as long as your baby is doing well try to stay positive..
  • @lae3 she is doing very well TG!!! I pushed to wait for this weekend or early next week and they said absolutely no. Too dangerous for me and then scared the crap out of me about the baby's health. Had I not been worried about her, I would not have done this, but the doctors know if the baby is threatened, they can pretty much get the mom to do whatever. I think that goes even more so for ftms bc we just don't know any better.
  • yeah i know.. thats the thing though.. sometimes i think they act to soon.. ya know.... but keep me posted about how your doing and when your lil one does decide to corroperate..loll
  • Good luck to you, I hope things get better for you. Keep updating us, this is useful info. I'm being induced @39w, and I have no clue what I'm getting into.
  • edited September 2011
    Sorry!!! Yesterday was a mess and ended beautifully!!!
    ***11:05am 30Sep***
    Rileigh Janelle Maria is here!!!!
    So, I was not dilating as of yesterday morning so the doctor recommended a folly bulb, basically two ballons filled w 40ccs of sterile water one on top of cervix one at bottom, in hopes of making dialation happen. Good Lord that sucked and even worse, did nothing to help (basically I was told this was the first tome they saw no dialation using this method). I was in so much pain!!! We decided to go C-section. I couldn't stop shaking or crying. My hubby was with me the Whole time during C-section and distracted me and was wonderful, my rock. Rileigh didn't want to come out, so they had to all but jump up and down on my ribs, but the epidural was quality and it didn't seem like a big deal. They finally were able to pull her out and she didn't really cry like you normally hear, she was more like cooing and big breathes. She got in a few good "waaas" and they said she was all 9s & 10s and hubby got pictures and she looked huge but she was 7lbs, 14ozs and 20.75in so she wasn't that big. Oh my goodness though she is beautiful. I'm going to get a pic of her up somehow!!!! I was able to breast feed her within the blue and am on a hospital where she stays with us in our room. She has pooped 4x! Turns out I am allergic to the pain meds, so I am itching all over, but bfing well. First time I thought she had it pretty good, but then she really took on second try and she does not joke around!!! I'm stuck in hospital until Sunday bc of c-section. The incision only hurts when I move, which is worth it bc I'm moving only to pick her up and take care of her. C-section scared me a lot, but had a great doctor and support so if I can suggest to anyone getting a C-section, a doctor you trust is half of it, and the other half is someone supportive to reassure and help you through. Also, don't look around. The vacuuming sound us blood and inevitably it us being auctioned into a large clear bucket and you will look over and get that oh crap realization that is is your blood and start shaking and living it all over again... It doesn't pay to be curious in an OR!!!
  • Congratulations! Beautiful birthstory! :)
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