Getting too stressed :( about to cancel my shower (long)

edited September 2011 in Baby showers
So my shower is next Sunday and my mom is throwing it for me, but she's making it SO stressful :( our whole house needs to be clean by then which I didn't think was going to be an issue. Yesterday bd and one of our friends came over and cleaned out what's going to be the nursery and moved a bunch of furniture for my mom, when I told her they were exhausted and were going to come back later in the week to help me with the rest of the basement she freaked out! She started yelling at me about how I promised it would get done yesterday (I really said before Tuesday, SHE said yesterday) and they barely did anything (the room they cleaned out for the nursery probably hasn't been cleaned since my brother was living in it when he was 9 now he's 19) why would you throw a fit about them helping? They both spent their day off cleaning my basement and she's so ungrateful! She started saying she wasn't going to throw my shower anymore and I'm lazy and I'm not going to get it done before Sunday and she HAS to clean her whole house so I can have the shower that I apparantly wanted so bad. I didn't even want a shower! Bd's mom was going to have one for me, but when I told my mom she INSISTED on throwing me one here! She always does things like this she'll offer to do something for me and then bitch and complain that she has to do it and tries to make me feel bad! If you don't want to do something then DON'T OFFER! Now I'm super stressed I didn't get any sleep last night, I was going to clean today before I had to go to work, but now I'm too tired and I feel really sick :( I don't even want to have this shower anymore it's all been too much stress for something I didn't even want to begin with.


  • Awe hun I just wanna hug you. I know it seems terrible right now, but if you have a shower or don't, the sun will still rise tomorrow. Do what YOU want and Fuck the rest! And just know next time, you might have to say no to your mama. Love your way!!
  • @natashalynn haha you made me laugh! I'll probably go through with it since I already sent out invitations and what not, but I'm never having one again! I don't even want to accept my mom's help anymore it always turns out like this
  • Haha good I'm glad. My dad is very similar. He offered to give my bf and I money for our house and is now bitching about how much it'll cost him. Unfortunately that's just how he is.
    Just relax. It'll be great when it starts! Let me know how it goes!!
  • @natashalynn thanks :) I'll let you know. Hopefully by next week my mom cools down and I'll be able to enjoy myself
  • My grandma helped me plan my wedding and was the same way.. Always yelling at me n stuff.. But when the day came she was awesome. :) I just think she is stressed because she wants it to be good for you. Thats how my g ma was :)
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