Do the diaper genies really work? thinkin about getting one

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Thinking about getting one tomorrow but really want to know if its worth it does it help with the odor I dont want the room to smell...didnt have with my first baby but I sure got tired of takin every diaper out to the trash figured this would be easier


  • It didn't for us...we could never get the smell out of the bed room
  • I've never used one, but my best friend did and she said it was a waste of money.
  • Arm n hammer makes one that works very well.
  • We tried 2 different models and waste of money! Not only do they not contain the smell but they attract bugs! I reccommend just buying diaper baggies to throw the diapers in and then the trash.good luck :)
  • Mine worked but I found myself not using it as much as I thought... toss up
  • NAaaaaaaa, they alllll stink. I just have a 10 buck diaper pail I keep on my back porch for dirties, and dog poop lol.
  • Yes. Arm & hamper, its better than throwing them in the trash.
  • Had one, hardly ever used it. Waste of money.
  • It sucked its now on our back porch collecting water. Save your money try another
  • Definitely a waste of money.
  • Grocery bags work just as well. Personally I think it's a waste.
  • I have a diaper champ. It doesn't require special bags. You can use regular kitchen trash bags and it works fine.
  • They aren't worth it. The filters are expensive and they don't work. Don't waste your money
  • I also had a diaper champ first I hated that more after like 5 months it didn't lock in the smell
  • I had a diaper genine and when it came time to change it i would gag to the point of almost throwing up it smells aweful and it has lots of bugs and the damn thing would harldy cut the bag cause they are suppost to cut it to you can tie it up but i am on my 3rd and i dont plan on getting one i actually got rid of it with my 1st and never used one with my 2nd
  • Leave it in the bathroom. Your room won't smell and the bathroom at least have a vacuum. You have to at least take it out once a day. To save money, get a diaper champ. You don't have to buy a special kind of bag insert. Regular garbage bags will do.
  • Ahhh crap! I already got one! Where was this post before I got it a couple months ago lol X_X
  • I must be from another planet... I LOVED mine!?!... the only time I ever remember the smell being bad was when I changed it after forgetting to take it out before we left on a weeklong vacation!!!... I think I took them out every 2-3 days, otherwise & we never smelled it. I do agree that the refills are annoyingly spendy, but all in all, I will absolutely use it again this time!
  • *** I guess I should mention I have the Diaper Genie II ... not the original... hope that helps! :)
  • Thanks vette_devil that's the one I got so I hope I don't regret it!
  • I had one with my first and it sucks it was a waste of money and the smell still stays everywhere not getting one with this baby
  • Waste of $
  • I had one. I didn't use it a ton, but when I did I liked it. You just have to change it every couple days. Never really had smell problem. And I never had bugs.. But I didn't use it all that long either.. I got a couple inserts at babyshower, plus it came with like 2. So never bought any either.. So I guess its just on you how much you use it..
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