pill? nuva ring? - pros/cons?

edited September 2011 in Pregnant
I am looking into bc, but I refuse to get an iud or depo. The implant is also a no go, & the patch just seems odd to me. So the pill & the ring are my only options really. If you've used either of these, which have you used & what did you like or dislike about it?


  • Saw this yesterday but I've never used BC so didn't respond. Hope someone answers! :)
  • I took the pill before we decided to have another baby. It kind of made me moody, but I liked it better than the iud. You just have to remember to take it around the same time every single day.
  • I liked the nuvaring but I know 3 people who have gotten pregnant on it in the last few months...kinda scares me about gettibg back on it
  • I'm interested too. I waited to have sex untill I was married and we used condoms until ttc.Now after this baby I'm thinking about BC .
  • My sis used the ring and it always fell out.. her and her bf would find it in their bed n stuff.. The pill, make sure you take it everyday or you can get preggo.. My other sis got preggo on the pill... I used the iud and never had an issue.. So idk.. :)
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