so why do newborns get red spots?

edited September 2011 in First time moms
like little pimple looking things
:[ my lil boy (9 days old)
got these lil red dot pimple looking things around his lil mouth
it happened the other day too on his arm but went away that same day
was wondering if i could get some info on that
i know they get them but makes me sad to see them on him!!!


  • heat rash?? or bby bby has that on her chin n little on cheeks n nose..
  • Could it be eczema???
  • @naliibby yeah kind looks like acne

    @Mybabe whats eczema??
  • My doc said heat rash or just skin problems babies have. Hr daid its nothin to worry about though
  • He said its normal. Or yes baby can. If it looks like it getting worse or spreading its something to be more concerned about but my baby girl has the same thing
  • Yeah my doctor said it is completely normal their skin is going through alot of changes being out in the world!
  • Google would probably be able to explain it better than me LOL!!!
  • Sounds like newborn acne.. My 18mth old has excema and t ha t was more like redish dry patches his skin was sensitive he.needs mild soaps and I use ucerine for it its an expensive scentless lotion. Non medicated.. It works for him.. But baby acne. Will go away its from left over mommy hormones.. At lezst thats wut I read.. He also had a mild case of the nb acne.. Oh yeah breastmilk helps the baby.acne.go away.. Lol I know sounds weird but its true
  • Im not sure what it is but when i asked the pedi he just told me it was normal and will go away and theyve already started to for my lil girl
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