38 week appt

edited September 2011 in Third Trimester
so had my 38 week appt this morning and sadly im still 3cm and 80% very soft so they stripped my membranes and said have sex today! Hopefully my water will Break SOON! But however if i havent had her by my appt next week we will look at the schedule for L&D and schedule an induction :( im just SOOO ready to meet her!


  • @army_wife09 still thinking about taking castor oil again? Lol at least youre 3 cm and 80, last week at my 37 I was closed and high and hard, hopefully by thursday i'll have progressed some...
  • Lol.im 39 and still only 2 cm dilated and 75% effaced. But my baby has dropped a lot and my cervix is moving and I am very soft. My dr could even feel the bag of water.
    We won't talk about inducing until I hit 42 weeks though.
  • @Kimberly4411 I thought about taking some more but im cramping an hurting from her stripping my membranes that I think I may wait a few days before I try it again.
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