so close

edited September 2011 in Third Trimester
Posting just because. :D just got out of my ob appointment. Everything is great though I gained 7 pounds in two weeks :( getting close! One more 2week visit then down to every week! And she said she'll start checking my cervix next visit. How fast did the/is the final month going for some of you? Btw, I can't believe Saturday is the 1st.


  • Its going slow! i do have a ob appt on thurs.. Im hoping they check me because I was 1cm dilated 3 weeks ago.. I want to know of im progressing. :)
  • it feels slow at times .. usually when im trying to get comfy or bending over or doing a task that is just hard to do prego.. but when i think about it.. 3wks is really close.. ive just been keeping buisy.. trying not to think too hard about it.. daily walks and cleaning .. nappings.. cause ive been extreemly tired that last few wks..
  • This pregnancy has FLOWN by, but once I hit 35 weeks, it's crawling, lol!
  • Its goin so slow
    Can't wait to c my ob on Thursday
    I'll b 38wks Thursday yaaay
    But these last 2wks feel like its movin like a turtle
  • its going slow now! ever sense 30 weeks omg its slow!
  • I got a renewed energy at my Ob appt yesterday when they told me I would start going every week now. The end is finally near!!!
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