Baby has a cold and won't eat - NEED HELP ASAP

edited September 2011 in Health
My four month old baby has a cold and it is terrible. Here are the things we have done to relieve it:

1. Cool mist humidifier in her room
2. Used Nasal Saline and bulb in her nose
3. Tried baby vics rub on her
4. Substituted some water in her bottles for pedialite(per doctors orders)
5. Took her to the doctors

Her nose is so stuffed up that she refuses to eat, and can't sleep at all. We have been up 48 hours straight with her, and has only drank around 9 ounces today when her normal is around 30 or so. I'm at my wits end, and feel completely helpless. She is not eating hardly anything now, we can't keep her nose clear, she can hardly breathe, and the doctor said we'll just have to let it pass. Also, she is trying to roll over so they suggested that we not tilt her while she is in the crib.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. It just kills me that I can't do anything to help her or make her eat.

Thanks Mamas.


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  • Try letting her sleep in her infant seat so shes not laying flat.. As long as she is drinking even the sligjtest bit of formula or pedialite she will be fine.. W/ saline do u spray then wait 5 min and then suction out? Thats the best method..
  • Thanks @ashleyfew. Bump ladies! Any more suggestions? She wont eat!
  • My baby wouldn't eat much either. Its because they can't breathe because of their nose and when you're sick you.just don't feel like eating. As long as they're getting something don't worry about it unless is goes on for awhile
  • Go to the er.. its never giod uf a baby isnt eating
  • You don't want her getting dehyderated. Maybe some watered down juice. Why no pedialite?
  • Aw I hope she feels better! They have said everything I can think of
  • Johnson's makes vaporizing stuff for babies bathes when they are sick. All you do is pour a capful into the infant tub with the bath water and continue your normal bath routine. It works like magic. I'm not going to lie, even my hubby uses it when he is sick!
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