my little man is here!! (pic included)

edited September 2011 in Birth Stories
David bentley was born Sept 22,2011 @7:21pm! He was 6lb 7oz 19"!

Sept 21 I went in for my 37 week check up. They asked if I wanted to be checked and of course I did because I was curious if I was progressing at all (never felt contractions). When mw was measuring my stomach she wad like awe a contraction which I did not feel. Then she was checking me and was like oh boy. She was like your 4 cm dilated and very thin. I was VERY shocked and so was dh. She was like if I had to guess baby will be here less than 48 hours.
We went Into crisis mode being we thought we still had 3 weeks left!! We ate longhorn, got carseat checked, then went home to pack/clean.10 pm we had to go to Walmart so dh can fill out for his loa papers and we got some necessities we needed. We finally got home around 12:30 am. Going to sleep around 1:45 am. I woke up around 3:30 am and started getting very mild cramping measuring 3 min apart. Couldn't sleep so I walked dogs and took a shower. I laid back down to drink my chocolate milk and my water broke (5:30 am). It was so weird cause I didn't know if it was my water or I peed myself!
We got to hospital around 6:30am. By 10am I was at 8 cm. Finally got my epi around 4:30. I was not making any progress and at 5:30 pm I was still at an 8. Dr were giving me an hr to make progress Or else I'd have to have a c section. They were explaining everything that would happen. I got so scared.6:30 mw came to check and I was a 9. At 7 my nurse (she was amazing!!) Was suppose to leave but I was like Noooo and told her it felt like he wanted out. She checked and said its time were having a baby. She stayed to help with him! We had to wait for the mw who was taking her time. He was born at 7:21 after three pushes! He's amazing!



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