flu shot

edited September 2011 in Pregnant
Has anyone got the flu shot while prego? I brought my niece to the Dr today because she was sick and he used to be my pediatrician so he ask me if I had the flu shot yet and that he would give it to me because it would be a good idea to have it before I have the baby( I go in for a scheduled c section on Oct 3)


  • I have both times I've been pregnant. Its safe to get the shot but you can't.get the mist since its a live virus
  • Check with your OB...I got mine last week, due 10/17. My doc said it is perfectly safe while prego but it takes two weeks to start making antibodies you can pass to your baby. You won't pass many flu antibodies through breastmilk, the type of antibodies for flu actually get digested...but getting the flu shot (and hubby too) can reduce the chance you will get the flu and give it to baby who can't get a flu shot until 6 months old....but check with your OB about doing it now or just waiting until after your c-section.
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