what a day!!!!!

So I just need to vent b/c no one is answering their phones!

I woke up to our dog puking on me...fantastic.

Our 19 month old some how got her screw-back earrings off and I could only find one. I hope she didn't swallow it! Now I have to sift through her BM's to see if it passes. Praying it will show up in her bed.

I was fed up, so I decided to head to the mall and return a dress I bought. Well, I couldn't return the dress b/c it was past the 60 day return policy.

While walking through the mall I started to get contractions...pretty mild then progressively were getting worse, so I decided to head home. They were 8-10mins apart and lasting 30-40 seconds. I used the auto start on the car, put my daughter in and went to put the strolled in the trunk when I realized I lock my daughter and keys in the car! Still contracting. My purse, phone, daughter, keys all on the car! Thank God mall security spotted me a few minutes later and helped me out. Well this old lady was parked next to me and the security truck was blocking her car. She asked if he could move it and I swiftly said, "DO YOU NOT SEE WHAT I'S GOING ON HERE?! I'M 9 MONTHS PREGNANT, I'M HAVING CONTRACTIONS, AND MY 19 MONTH OLD IS LOCKED IN THE CAR...SCREAMING! GET OVER YOURSELF AND WAIT!!!!" She didn't say anything back. The security guys was laughing so hard. I blammed it on my hormones ;)

So he gets the door open, the old lady leaves, I go to back out of my parking spot and some DOUCHE was trying to pull in where the old lady was parked and hit my car! Ugh! We were all ok, thankfully, but the side of my truck is all banged up.

jeeze...what a freaking day!

Ok. I feel better just getting that out! Thank you for listening ;)


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