doctor's orders

edited September 2011 in Pregnant
So I had an appointment today and my doctor was concerned about my baby's heartbeat as it had been in the low. She said it was low the previous appointment as well but didn't think it was a concern till this appointment when it was even lower. She said to do a fetal kick count. first hour I only felt 3 kicks/movements but I was just reclined in my car resting without drinking anything. And the next hour I drank hot chocolate and thats when I was home and felt about 10 full movements give or take some. So I called the nurse line. She called my doctor and informed her and apparently she told me not to worry and everything is fine. Thats it. Thats all she told me. I dont know what to think. what should I do? Should I be worried?? Aghh


  • thats a little weird... i would have asked for more information! I mean I'm sure everything is fine, but not telling you whats going on is only going to worry you :(
  • I agree I'm sure everything is fine but to worry you and not give you info is not cool...
  • @usafwife_21 @billysgirly okay so I called the office and now they say to do a non stress test. So im now sitting here with the monitors on. Havent clicked the button yet... Meaning I havent felt her kick yet. But hearing her heartbeat makes me calm
  • how far along are you? The farther along you are the less movement you feel. My baby used to move like every 2-3 minutes when I was on the NST monitor, but the last 2 times (I get them done weekly due to gestational diabetes) there has been very little movement but the doctor is pleased with the movement I do have. Try not to stress/worry... I know its hard not to, but that doesn't help baby any.
  • @1stwoodsbaby I am 38 weeks far I think I have been here 10 mins and I only clicked the thing twice. Lol this girl next to me had to have the nurse ring a bell to wake up her baby and it made my baby kick once lol. Thats was the reason for my second click lol
  • I hope you get some info on what is going on and if the doctors are worried. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.
  • @1stwoodsbaby thanks so much! They scheduled another NST for monday. They say she is active and great its just that since she's getting bigger that its getting harder to feel her. But they said I'm contracting every 5 mins and they want me to go to the hospital the next time I feel my contractions. thanks for your concern and help ladies (: @billysgirly @usafwife_21
  • Im hoping fo the best hun! Do they think that you going into labor could stress her out to much?
  • Sorry I know this doesn't really have to do with your question but does everyone get a NST? And if we do when do u get it?
  • yay! im glad everything is ok! good thing you called back... hmmm... what would have happened if you didnt call back? would they have called you?
  • Oh wow. At 37 wks I had a bit of a low HB and they.did a nst which came back normal so then I had to keep coming back every few days to get them done but she would always be moving on the monitor. One time she shifted all the way to my side as soon as the nurse put the thing on my belly lol so just keep an eye on those movements %%-
  • @usafwife_21 I never thought about going into labor would cause my baby stress o.o huh.. As far as I know, not everyone gets one unless one is needed or you are in labor @billysgirly I make believe they would have called me back.. Lol! @kayleigh27 yeah I have another nst on monday and then again on wednesday if I dont have nger by then! I just hout my bloody show and my mom is sure I'm gunna give birth real soon as in tonight... Lol I'm like in the "WOW I can't believe it!" mood right now !.(:
  • Wow .. Typos! "nger"=her.. "hout"=got
  • Wooohoo! I hope your moms right and that baby comes soon! :D
  • Kick counts should be done in a quiet room, no tv or radio (no Pregly, lol). You should really concentrate on baby moving. They gave me a full worksheet when my labor first started. I noticed baby moved a lot when I was settled and calm. :) But those 10 kicks in an hour sound really good. :)
  • @honestlyhopeful I hope baby comes soon!! That's awesome you got your bloody show! Im nervous to get mine! Haha
  • whoooops! forgot to tag @brttnywstn14 in my post above! Lol. Sorry! @garagebandfan @usafwife_21 I sure hope its soon but as soon as I passed my bloody show my contractions slowed way way down ); I'm kinda disappointed lol I never get my way ! Weeh! getting my show made me feel like a kid tasting cotton candy for the first time! Dont be scared x) @fate I will force myself to turn my phone off on monday then :p god knows how hard thats gunna be !
  • O ok :) thank you!!
  • Any updates? I just lost mine I think and im curious to see if you've had baby yet!
  • @garagebandfan no ); woke up normal today. But someone on here said I had to go into labor and delivery if I had my bloody show, so I got scared and called the consulting nurse line and they want me to call my doctor's office cuz they said within 24 to 72 hours is when I'm expected to go into labor!! But I been on hold for half an hour so I hung up and gunna eat and try and call em again in a little. Oh my gosh watch us have our babies at the same time! X) what did your doctors say about you losing it?!
  • My nurses just said, well we will keep a close eye on ya huh! Haha they are letting me get up to try and walk around through my contractions..I also shaved my legs, my doula said that's my form of nesting since I can't clean the house.
  • @garagebandfan lol I have a feeling your labor will come sooner than mine. I thought I lost most my mucus plug last night with my bloody show, but more JUST came out! :o you gotta let me know if anything happens with you! Lol I can't nest either cuz my parents are remodeling my room and gotta wait -.- doesnt the waiting game suck monkey butt?? /:
  • Yea it does suck Haha..I am loosing my bloody show in pieces. Had a nickel size then just had a quarter size! The pressure is insane!!
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