breast pump question..?

edited September 2011 in Equipment & Supplies
So..if I get a used breast pump like off craigslist, is there a store where I can get new tubing and bottles and attachments and such? I heard your not supposed to use another womans even if its cleaned well, because its kind of a personal hygein item (I wouldn't anyway, just seems weird lol). So I wonder if I can just get the pump then by all that other stuff or can you only get that stuff new when you buy a new pump. Thanks ladies :)


  • I'd try renting from the hospital. In the hospital, they give you a pump kit (the tubes, a few bottles, and the actual part that gets milk out). Well my hospital gave me all that and then you can rent the pump from the hospital. But I bought the medela swing pump and absolutely love it since my daughter still can't latch!! It's wonderful(:
    Good Luck!
  • I've heard and read some fantastic reviews about the medela swing. Meant to be fantastic! I couldn't afford that so have bought the medela mini. Not had a chance to use it properly yet (as my child seems to have ignored the eviction notice that expired 4 days ago!) So have only used for nipple stimulation. Pretty sure u can buy all the lines and bottles etc but, after doing that I don't think u actually save anything. Do you have long before u need it?
  • @lindseynicole96 thanks! That's actualy exactly the same boat I'm in..she was born a pre-mee and couldn't latch. Hospital gave me one to use for 2 months but I have to return it 10-15 (can't afford to rent it any longer, insurance paid until now). I pump so I can tell exactly how much she eats, makes me way less stressed then I was when I fed her an spent all day worried she didn't get enough. Thanks for the input and I will have to look at that medela swing pump for sure!
  • @jennys3rd I need it by 10-15 cause I have to return mine after 2 months (rented from the hospital). I'm wondering the same thing about cost so I will have to do some looking and comparing. Trying to do this for as little as possible but still get a good sturdy pump lol. Sorry to hear the courts didn't honor your eviction notice, some tenants are just difficult ;) its cooling down here in idaho so maybe your baby just wants to stay warm a little longer! Labor dust your way momma!! Thanks again!
  • Aww thanks for the labour dust! Well, as soon as I get to use it properly I will let you know how well it works. Just hope its soon :-)
  • @jennys3rd your welcome :) my labor dust is special, guarenteed to work! It works so well Lilly came almost 3 weeks early lol!
  • edited September 2011
    @mom2b think it might be! I'm all Crampy today and getting membranes stripped later so fingers crossed this is me :-) !!!

    @samiuk ...annoying as it is... I have to ask Haha!? Sweep day for me. Yey! My step sister had a little girl last night :-( EARLY!!! argh! Not frustrating at all!!!! Is your induction day Sat? X
  • You can buy new parts im using one borrowed from wic others have used the pump but the parts I, touch are new u can purchase it from the manufacturer
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