Had my third baby boy 9-10-11!
I don't post on here much but I decided to write my labor story. On August 30th I had started losing pieces of my mucous plug and kept losing it for the next week and a half. I was bouncing on a yoga ball, doing nipple stimulation with a breast pump, eating pineapple, labor cake, walking, sex, almost everything to try to go into labor. On the 8th I had my doctors appointment, I asked my doctor to strip my membranes again, because she had with my last pregnancy, so she did and at the time I was a close 3cm dialated, very soft but thick still. On the 9th my husband and I had stayed up all night watching movies and I didn't go to bed until 5am. At 8:40am I woke up to go to the bathroom and when I wiped I had more mucous and a ton of blood and I knew something was going to happen. I tried laying back down to sleep which didn't happen because contractions started. I downloaded a timing app on my phone and they were every 2-3 minutes for almost a minute long, they started getting stronger so I woke my husband up and told him it was time to go! We live about 2 minutes away from the hospital (thank god!) Once we got there I went to a room and when the nurse checked me she said I was about 90% effaced and at 7 cm I was shocked! So I got my epidural right away, with my contractions being so strong and me being so far along already the doctor gave me a good amount of medicine which took the pain away but made me have the shakes soo bad as if I was freezing cold, same thing happened with my first. I got to the hospital at 10am, started pushing at 1:30pm and at 1:42pm my third baby boy, Dominic Ace Perez, was born. 6lbs 11oz and 20 1/2in long!
@Misty2011 I know! It's an easy one to not ever forget haha