it feels weird being a mommy x2

edited September 2011 in September 2011
My Daughter is a month old and its still feels like omg.


  • Girl I hear ya my daughter is 15 days and I feel like how do I juggle both of their needs I feel like pulling out my hair but loving every seccond of both of them
  • Im nervous about that! My daughter will be 5 on the 3 and baby will b borne any day!
  • edited September 2011
    I feel ya I have a 6 yr old a 4yr old and a 8day old
  • im still freaking out about having a baby, my daughter will be 5 weeks on friday, and every time i rock her to sleep at night and sing to her i cry. i was told i wouldnt be able to have kids, and she was a surprise baby so its still unbelievable to me to have her in my arms
  • my baby girl is a month old too and I still cant believe I have two kids! its a bit of a challenge having a two year old and a newborn, im just glad I have such a great husband :)
  • After 10 yrs having a bby.. Sometimes I forget I have a bby (lol) But its hard too start ALL over again after taht long!! I told my hubby and my kids... Dont EVER let me forget I have a bby with us on the van!! ( soo many cases like those) Thats what Im soo terrified of, until I get used to her more! Also I feel like a new mommy ALL over again! But I also notice taht m y hubby and I are more matured and enjoy this bby moreee!! Dont get me wrong.. I adore ALL 3 of my kids but since she was my lili surprise I am Blessed too start all over with a healthy, chunky girl!!
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