Enfamil or Similac?

edited September 2011 in Babies Health
Which formula is better? I'm gonna switch my baby to formula bcuz my milk supply has gone down & I'm just wondering which formula is better?


  • I think its a personal choice. I don't think either one is better. My wic office gave me similac so that's what I used
  • I think a lot has to do with your baby. Two of my children did similac but one of them would spit up so bad on similac that he started losing weight. The Ped told me to switch him to enfamil and he was just fine. Which I'm still not sure why. They basically have the same ingredients.
  • I always used gerber goodstart
  • edited September 2011
    I only had to use formula for a month (stopped bf when she was 11 months old). I used Enfamil Lipil. Mainly b/c it was what the hospital offered us when we left just incase my supply dropped while at home and at the time there was a recall on Similac, so it made my decision easy. My friend is a NICU nurse and they use Gerber Good Start. My friend had twins and used Similac b/c her kids had allergies and there were more options with Similac. I think it's personal choice b/c they are good.
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