Infant with pink eye...opinions

edited September 2011 in Babies Health
So my poor baby has pink eye....WTH...not happy about this lol...but I have been reading up online and it says to use drops of breastmilk to cure it..obv antibiotics are the sure way to clear it up, but was just wondering if anyone would try breastmilk first....never heard of it being a cure, but apparently our milk is amazing and can cure a few diff things....:)


  • I've heard that too and putting a warm wash cloth on it to soothe it :) hope your little one feel better!
  • I would try it. I know the drops for pink eye are very expensive. But depending on how little your baby is, they may give you a sap instead of the drops. Good luck I hate when my kiddos get pink eye!
  • Sure it's pink eye and not a clogged tear duct? Never heard of the breastmilk thing... interesting
  • I thought my 2week old boy had it too so I took him to ended up just being clogged tear duc so was told just do warm wash cloth few times a cleared up in 3 would be basically glued shut when he would wake up n day I took him to doc it was a greenish color..I heard of the breast milk thing but never used wont hurt to try
  • (.)(.) milk is the best thing that you can use ;-)
  • yep.. there are antibodies in it and it works wonders.. just squert some in there.. every hour or so.. i would for sure.. its natural.. and can be soothing too..
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