16 weeks & I already gained 8 lbs - is that too much?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I gained 8 lbs at 16 weeks- what is everyone else gaining?


  • I'm 34 weeks and I've gained 24 pounds as long as your doc is not worried i wouldn't be either
  • I'm 16 weekd too! 8 pounds sounds slightly on the high side, but I think it really depends on the woman, ex. prepregnancy weight, size, etc. There are weight gain charts online you can find that give you suggestions based on your own information. If you think you're slightly in the high side, I would't worry at all, just try to make nutritious food choices. I've put on 3 pounds myself, but I'm a very short and petite woman.
  • I gained 9 pounds in my 6-7 months and from my 7-8 month I gained 1 pound my nurse told me its normal
  • Girl don't worry about it! I'm 33 weeks and I've gained a whopping 53lbs! And I wasn't but 100lbs before! So I have officially gained more than half of my prepregnancy
    weight! Lol
  • I'm 27 weeks and have gained 11 pounds total. I had lost 4 pounds the first 9 weeks so the doctor says technically I've only gained like 7
  • Wow @peytonsmommytobe I guess it doesn't matter if you're big or small every pregnancy is unique and different. Diets are never good while you're pregnant and as long as your baby is healthy and your doc isn't concerned then I wouldn't worry
  • No worries everyone gains baby weight different as long as you're eating healthy I'm sure you're fine :)
  • Ive gained about 50ish pounds and am only 21 weeks dr. said I was under weight pre pregnancy and that its all chest and baby making weight so I wouldnt be concerned the dr. will tell you if its not healthy
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  • Ya your fine. The first 8 weeks you can gain 0 to 5lbs and be healthy. its a slow steady climb after that. It depends on where you start off also. I was 5'5" and 120lbs when I got preg with my first. I was pretty thing. So I gained 9lbs in the first 8 weeks! I was totaly freaked out!! But dr said I needed it, and no one elst could really even tell. They didn't even count that weight when they started weighing me. Then I slowed down, but put on a bunch second trimester. But I didn't gain any the last few weeks. ended up at 159 when I gave birth. So if your eating healthy and getting some light exercize you will be fine. Don't focus on weight. Focus on health!!
  • *thin not thing lol and els not elst
  • I'm 11 weeks 6 days! I've gained 13 lbs since I found out wen I WAs 5 weeks and 6 days!!
  • 16wks and 10lbs, i feel so huge already and i'm barely showing:(
  • Thanks everyone- I guess everyone's different
  • Ive gained 40lbs n im 24 wks. Long as your dr is ok, it shouldn't be too bad.
  • I'm 35 weeks and I have gained 30 pounds
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